Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Erebor - The Lonely Mountain (Old)

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Yatyear's Avatar Yatyear
Level 42 : Master Architect
NOTE: This project is not related to my Middle Earth project. A new Erebor is currently under construction, you can check it HERE.


A look at the whole map and terrain (no structures):


What can I say; I LOVE everything about TLOR and The Hobbit. Here I'm starting my Erebor project inspired by the Hobbit movies vision of this great dwarven kingdom.

Resource Pack: I'm now using Dokucraft Dwarven resource pack alongside my own custom resource pack, you can check and download their Dwarven resource pack here: www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/dokucraft-dwarven-3131946/

GLSL shaders mod
SEUS Ultra with Motion Blur shader pack

Programs used in the making of this project:
Minecraft - WorldPainter - MCEdit - Chunky

Update regardng the build:

4/5/2015 Update:
Hope you guys like the new dwarf statues, the old ones were good but not good enough as their hands were positioned very high blocking view of their faces and had more issues.
I also started working on the dwarven city which is huge and would probably take me another week to finish if not more. I'm sure as I finish more parts I'll go back to it as there would be roads connecting the whole build together.

Overall I feel incrediably happy with how this project is going on, it's looking better every day and I hope you guys like it as much as I do.

4/11/2015 Update:
The throne room :3 I love how accurate it turned out to be but again I watched the movies dozens of times so I wouldn't accept any less than this. Hope you guys like it. It was very dark with shaders so I took few pics with shaders off.
I also added the kings tomb deep in the mountain.

4/24/2015 Update:
This is another big update with new map. I made it as close as possible to the movies. Thanks to MCEdit I easily moved all the structures from the old map to this new one (positioning them correctly was little tricky however).
I love the new waterfall and how realistic it looks, the new river looks pretty neat as well. A little Bridge is here to connect Erebor to the rest of the world making it almost impossible for a whole army to charge at once to the gate.

5/20/2015 Update:
This must be the longest time I kept you guys waiting for an update, sorry. The reason behind my long disappearance are some personal and work troubles - crisis if I may call them :( - which have kept me away from touching minecraft for so long. However making this update is giving me a good amount of relief. Currently hoping for things to get better for me.

Now this update include a small armory which I honestly didn't think about adding it but watching the third movie over and over again makes it an obvious addition. As for the treasure room I kept things very simple. The one in the movie is absolutely insane on so many levels that  I can't imagine how to build it so I went with a much small scale but still good amount of details. Gold has been built and modified in another map then moved here carefully.

Lots of work was also put into the dwarven city which now looking massive; full of buildings and roads on different levels. I haven't yet taken good enough pics but my next update would feature pics of the new updated dwarven city.

I also started working on the hidden door area and already finished digging the long tunnel connecting the western side of the mountain to Erebor. Currently started working on Thror statue which I'll hopefully feature it in my next update. Till then I hope you guys would enjoy this new update and tell me if you have any suggestion or just want to leave a comment.

5/23/2015 Update:
I didn't expect to finish this update this soon :) Thror mighty statue is now done. The statue is so awesome I decided to give it its own project page as I'm removing pics all the time to make space for new ones. Hope you guys will check Thror Statue project for more pics.

Thror statue was built entirely over the rock terrain of the mountain. I thought about building it in open area then moving it using MCEdit but decided againt this since I wanted the statue to look normally built from within the rocks and stones of the mountain itself.

Dwarven city was updated with more roads and now looking pretty populated like it should be. Lots of cool building, stairs and roads.

I also finished drawing the blueprint of the forges which I'm going to start building very soon.

6/21/2015 Update:
I started working on the mines and forges but man it was getting pretty boring after spending a whole month working underground inside Erebor. I decided to take a break and go outside the main gate and start working on "Ravenhill". The one area which featured the finale of The Hobbit movies trilogy. My Ravenhill however is very different from the movie, it's smaller and features a small light house which I started working on as a tower.

6/29/2015 Update:
Yes! A nice new render showing Erebor and Ravenhill together. However this update includes much more than just new render. Lots of terraforming work has been done around the gate which you can see clearly by comparing the new render with the old one. The forges are almost done and now I'm adding the mines near there.

7/3/2015 Update:
The project is DONE!!! It took me longer than I though it would but I'm glad to finally present it here for you guys to enjoy. The mines and forges as well as gallery of the kings have been built. I must say how I imaged the project would be and how I ended up up with is a little different but still pretty good. This is the last update for this project but I'm still looking to hear your feedback and suggestions which can help me in my work.

Included in this Map:

Spoiler - click to reveal
+ The Front Gate
+ The Dwarves statues near the gate
+ The First Hall
+ Dwarven City
+ The Throne Room
+ The Kings Tomb
+ Small armory
+ The Treasure Room
+ Hidden door
+ Thror Statue
+ Ravenhill
+ The Forges
+ The Gallery of the Kings

Note regarding the download:

The downlaod link includes a ZIP file "Erebor - The Lonely Mountain(Yatyear)"...Unzip this file and you'll find another ZIP file "Yatyear_ResourcePackForErebor" as well as a folder "Erebor - The Lonely Mountain".

Move "Yatyear_ResourcePackForErebor.zip" to your Resource Pack folder and move "Erebor - The Lonely Mountain" to your Save folder.

In your resource pack menu from within Minecraft choose my resource pack as the first active one followed by Dokucraft Dwarven resource pack right below it. If you haven't yet downloaded Dokucraft Dwarven resource pack then you can do from this link: www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/dokucraft-dwarven-3131946/

Hope you guys would give a diamond and favorite the project if you really like it. And if you got any feedback or suggestion then please leave a comment and I'll surely reply to it.
Progress100% complete

10 Update Logs

Update #10 : by Yatyear 07/03/2015 2:46:52 pmJul 3rd, 2015

- Mines and Forges added
- The Gallery of the Kings added
- Few last touches made to the gate and Ravenhill
- Download link is now available

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11/29/2017 4:19 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
MCPlusWEB's Avatar
Hello, can i have the permission to Port this Map to MCPE? & Post it on mcpedl.com You'll also get credits!
01/27/2016 5:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
epicminecraftz's Avatar
whens the new one going to finish?
11/25/2015 11:26 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
AkwardUsername's Avatar
Wow, I never realized you finished it, but I just downloaded it and it's AMAZING!
11/26/2015 12:37 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Yatyear's Avatar
Thanks, but it's very outdated now. I've been working on a new one as part of my Middle Earth project. very soon I'll be posting the new Erebor. You can already see one pic of the new Erebor in my Middle Earth project page
07/03/2015 7:15 pm
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
gacikgoz's Avatar
Great Art! Keep Going bro..!
07/04/2015 12:28 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Yatyear's Avatar
Thank you...Now I'm going to move into my next project
07/27/2015 12:40 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Geek
sonofdad123's Avatar
What is the next project?!?!
07/28/2015 1:38 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Yatyear's Avatar
good to hear from you man ;) my upcoming project is still a secret, I've been working on it since the day I finished this one...Soon I'll post it, All I can say it's pretty BIG
05/23/2015 4:53 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
Whoopsiee's Avatar
Looks awesome! I'm a big fan of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings! Keep the work going :D
05/24/2015 12:38 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Yatyear's Avatar
same here :) I'm in love with everything Middle-Earth
