Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Forks, WA in Minecraft (Twilight) WIP

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Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Hello Minecraft + Twilight fans!!!

I have been designing a project for about 2 months and it turned out to be a Twilight fandom project. The main project is a 500 by 500 square block surface foundation. That will allow for a lot of stuff. Currently the project has been underway for a week on a private smp server. We have 1 designer (myself) and 2 builders currently. Nothing will every be done done until we are 100% happy so everything is a WIP.

We currently have 2 projects in the works atm.

1: a large drive-in movie theater.
details: The screen is 111 blocks long, by 80 blocks wide. It is half underground with the other half up top so it avoids the clouds. It is a giant pixel art screen basically. Currently a builder is working on the pixel art. We have gathered up all the resources and are about 1/2 way done placing them. WIP pictures will be provided.

2: charlie swans house.
details: The house is a mix of the book house, and what limits are in minecraft. We tried to plan it too the movie/book as much as possible. We havent picked a specific texture pack yet but it looks great in a few we have tried. The house is 4 lvls, Basement/Garage, First Floor, Second Floor & Attic. We have all the walls up inside, with doors, basic bare-bone stuff atm but it looks good so far.

more to come soon.

we plan on making all iconic places in the book/movie with extras like the drive-in. Our goal is to have a submerge able world that you can RP/visit in. Downloads of this stuff might be made public when the time for it comes. Suggestions & Comments are welcome as always, we take everything with a grain of salt.

Current People Invested in Project
-Aiyania (planning, building, material gatherer)
-Boobielicious (planning, building, material gatherer)
-Magnus610 (material gatherer)

Additional Notes

This is going to be a large project. Many iconic buildings from Twilight, along with a drive-in movie theater. Not sure all what we will build or how % done it is.

We are currently working with 3 people. All in vent, in a SMP server I am running. If you are interested in helping with our project pls contact me via msn: nedmtrunks@hotmail.com

(serious builders or twilight fans only, no griefers)
Progress5% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Aiyania 08/22/2011 7:11:01 pmAug 22nd, 2011

Worked on sunday to finish the pixel art. along with a few side items not imaged quite yet. The pixel art needs a little teweeking by hand to look the way we want but its completed as the program told us to. Im about 82% happy with it so far.
-Enjoy Aiy

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04/21/2012 1:06 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Skinner
08/20/2011 1:36 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner

Projects that have plans, but could use help with planning or building.

-Jacobs House

-THX for the drive in movie( we plan on putting music from the soundtrack in the drive in so while your watching the screen you can hear the music)

-various forks iconic scenery
