Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Fort Sungard (Skyrim TES)

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Level 70 : Legendary Dragonborn
Fort Sungard is a large fort located strategically at the crossroads between the Reach, Whiterun Hold, and Falkreath Hold, initially occupied by Forsworn. The fort will be taken over by whoever wins the civil war, or by the faction currently holding Markarth if the player first clears it of Forsworn.

The fort has an exterior courtyard and five interior zones: Fort Sungard Muster, Fort Sungard Shrine, Fort Sungard Annex, Fort Sungard Tower, and Fort Sungard Oubliette.

Version : 1.12.2 and above
Texture pack : Excalibur

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Maps or contents by fonta59 - Terms of use

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- If you publish a video using this map :
You must put a direct link leading to this post in the video description and direct link leading to the original page of the map on Planetminecraft.
You must credit the owner in the video and in the video description linking to his Planetminecraft.

- If you publish a picture using this map on a website or any media sharing system :
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- The Owner reserve the right to change this agreement at any time with or without notice,
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CreditBethesda, Uesp (used a lot the dynmap and the history text is from the uesp site so feel free to visit it in order to get more informations), Eremillion (for trees), Bidule995( for rocks)
Progress100% complete

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05/15/2024 8:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
When will the map be published? I can't wait.
05/15/2024 11:54 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dragonborn
You can download the full map of Skyrim where this particular fort is located in

Here :

11/09/2023 2:16 am
Level 23 : Expert Pig
Download please
08/11/2023 6:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
when will be done?
10/08/2022 12:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
why is there no download for me
09/06/2022 10:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I cant wait for this map to come out, its exciting to see a builder with so much passion to build such as large and intricate map.
09/06/2022 4:22 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dragonborn
Still on halt but i should be finally able to work on it again in some weeks
06/01/2022 8:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
is the project alive?
06/04/2022 1:02 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dragonborn
yes but on halt for now due to a lot of work
05/04/2022 7:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Just curious, when you are done with all major locations, do you plan on combining them into one massive map?
