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Full automatically SLOTMACHINE

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Level 61 : High Grandmaster System

Redstone Project: Mechanically SLOTMACHINE

Redstone Projekt: Mechanischer SPIELAUTOMAT

Slotmachine  [ Compatible to multiplayer ] (1.7.2)



Start: 19.06.14

Now: 100% completed

Version: 1.7.2

Made by: BauMaxe

My new project: a functionally slotmachine. You win, if there are 3 glowstoneblocks at the mid row. Else you lose.
The good thing: This machine is a REAL Slotmachine, that means you cant cheat (ok you can break blocks...).
So you really need luck to win it. Also the money (gold ingot) will be used for refilling the jackpot automaticly!
And because its realy hard to win, the jackpot will grow bigger and bigger.
Oh i forgott to mention, that the slotmachine takes automaticly 1/2 of the gained money to a hidden chest for the owner of the casino. So you as the owner will always win! ;)
So for playing a game, all you have to do is taking a gold ingot into your hand and throw it into the slot.
No button has to be pushed or something else.
Of coure you can only pay with a special item ( i choose gold ingot, but you can change it).
All other items will be destroyed by the machine. 

Download map: Click here!

of course you can use it for your server, just credit me ( a sign with "made by BauMaxe" is ok)

So you can use this machine for singleplayer AND servers [ b]compatible to multiplayer[/b] ], because:

- just two clocks, but they will just start, if a game is started

- the clocks end after each game

- endless money in the jackpot (because of a transport system)

- No 1000s of dropped items, because the machine will destroy them

- no cheating possible ( just the currency you like will be accepted)

- the owner gets 1/2 of the money

The machine is completely configurable:

- you can choose the speed for the 3 slots (online a bit slower is recommended)

- you can choose the currency you like ( all stackable Minecraft items )

- you can even chose the probability of winning a game (just add more glowstoneblocks)

- you can chose the amount of the jackpot (of course you can add items to the jackpot)

I made this machine for a server, and for 2 weeks no problem was found.

On my homepage http://bau-maxe.jimdo.com/pl%C3%A4ne-ideen/sternzerst%C3%B6rer/ you can find more pictures of this ship.

My Youtube chanell: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxHUTXkSpRTKC6o5ESH7Mvw

Thanks for watching!

BauMaxe 2014


Progress100% complete

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06/23/2014 7:47 am
Level 27 : Expert Crafter
Very nice project with compact and clever redstone, good job!
06/23/2014 7:48 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster System
thank you!
