Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Futuristic Capital City (Hunger Games Inspired)

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Level 28 : Expert Architect
Welcome to the Capital of the future. This is a scale city based on many things.

The scale of this city isn't 1 block = 1 square meter.
But rather, one half-slab = 1 building storey. (So a half-slab is about 3 meters tall in this sense)
Progress15% complete

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Tales of Panem
11/28/2018 6:04 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Hey this looks so good and accurate! Idk if you know this but by the time they made the last movie they were using Paris as the basis for the Capitol! I think it could help with making all the streets that you dont get to see in the movie. When I built my Capitol it really really helped.
11/28/2018 7:59 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Thanks for your comment :) Yes, in the last movie they recorded some of the Capitol scenes in Espaces d’Abraxas and Ivry Sur Seine (Also Eastern Berlin). Great locations. I won't necessarily just be looking at Paris and Berlin, but definitely will keep an eye on Brutalist architecture. A location which reminds me of Ivry Sur Seine, but in a more comformative nature would have to be the Barbican in London. The angles, towers, shapes etc. All comes together to create that look of the Capitol.
11/22/2018 7:14 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
doesnt look very futuristic to me
11/22/2018 9:15 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Thanks for your comment, well there are some futuristic aspects to the map. But, it's not meant to be a really sci-fi futuristic city with hover cars and things, but a city set in the next 50-100 years.
11/22/2018 6:01 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Taco
Really great build, if you want more people to see it I suggest you to divide the project in a bunch of small posts as the project advances instead of straight up posting the whole finished thing. Im saying this because more people should see your work
11/22/2018 9:16 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Thanks for your kind words! I know there are better ways to upload the map and its areas, but honestly I'm just uploading it so if anyone is interested they can give it a look, and hopefully enjoy it. It's really a WIP :)
11/22/2018 1:02 pm
Level 84 : Elite Fox
I love the Hunger Games, great job!
11/22/2018 9:16 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Thanks for your very kind words, me too! :D
