Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Gotham City - Batman Begins

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Level 47 : Master Spelunker
Have you ever needed a world where it looks and feels almost like Gotham City in Batman Begins? Tired of looking at small scale builds, and unexpertly done buildings?

Well, this world is solely based on Batman Begins, and works its way (like an adventure map) starting from the jail Bruce Wayne was stuck in, to the big TRUCKER of the courthouse! It features Ra's al Ghul's monastery (not done yet), big buildings in Gotham City, and even Wayne Enterprises (coming soon). These pics are only just a taste of what is going to come, including huge Batman insignias featured in and above buildings.

Please comment, Diamond, and subscribe if you liked it!
- LukeKnight
Progress25% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by LukeKnight 09/14/2012 11:51:16 pmSep 14th, 2012

Added courthouse and traps, with underground basement for the unwanted, etc. Also, I've added the batwing! it cruises down the road between the courthouse's garden and petrol station.

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02/27/2015 4:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
its cool
Monster Dobbs
09/18/2014 6:35 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pig
why do you think ras al ghul's Monastery Is Bad To Me ITS AWESOME!
10/08/2012 9:44 pm
Level 28 : Expert Explorer
down load now please
03/26/2014 8:37 am
Level 1 : New Architect
10/10/2012 3:28 am
Level 47 : Master Spelunker
I still have a long way to go! Don't rush me.
09/15/2012 10:24 pm
Level 28 : Expert Explorer
can you put dowen load on so i can contyunue the work un already done
09/16/2012 2:37 am
Level 47 : Master Spelunker
Soon, but first things first, you cannot put this up on Planet Minecraft or any other website as your own (even if you have edited it a lot) without MY PERMISSION FIRST, so you have to ask me before you do any of that. I'm still working on it, so download won't be up just yet. :)
