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Level 46 : Master Architect
The updates are always made with the last official JAVA version of the game. I wont port it to other versions of the game.

Gotham City Minecraft Map

You can travel all around the city with the Monorail, by the eleven Monorail Stations.
directions_subway East End > Diamond > Financial > Central > Old Gotham > Chinatown > Park Row > Otisburg > Narrows > Burnside > Bristol directions_subway

Gotham City Minecraft Map

Here is the list of all the districts and some of the buildings that I have built on this map
  • Gotham Heights:
      - Orphanagedone_all finished

      - Panessa Studiodone_all finished
      - North Refrigerationdone_all finished
      - Iceberg Lounge done_all finished
      - Gotham City Mayor Mansion done_all finished

  • Financial District:
      - Wayne Enterprises Towerdone_all finished
      - RH Kane Towerdone_all finished
      - White Investmentdone_all finished
      - Blaze Comics Gotham HQdone_all finished
      - Robinson Park (Uptown)done_all finished

  • Diamond District:
      - Killingers Department Store (mall) done_all finished
      - Wayne Foundation done_all finished
      - GothCorp done_all finished
      - Stagg Tower done_all finished
      - Janus (Sionis Corp) done_all finished
      - Mendo Soaps done_all finished
      - Gotham Queen Ind. HQ done_all finished
      - Gotham LexCorp HQ done_all finished
      - Royal Hotel done_all finished
      - Black Canary Club done_all finished
      - Uptown Big Belly Burger done_all finished
      - Gotham Quick Marketdone_all finished

      - Ventriloquist Hideout done_all finished
      - Daggett Ind. done_all finished

  • Amusement Mile:
      - Amusement Park done_all finished
      - Dixon Docks done_all finished
      - Kord Industries done_all finished

      - Falcone Shipping Warehouses done_all finished

  • Underground:
      - J. Constantine Paranormal Investigator done_all finished
      - Bane's Militia Hideout done_all finished
      - Night Diner done_all finished
      - OCEAN MASTER Sushi Bar done_all finished
      - Langstrom Laboratory done_all finished
      - Music Meister's music store done_all finished

  • Cape Carmine:
      - Rogers Yacht Club done_all finished
      - Lighthouse done_all finished

  • East End:
      - Cobblepot Family Manor done_all finished
      - Krank Co. Toys done_all finished
      - Lexor Hotel done_all finished

    • The Cauldron:
        - Midtown Pauli's Diner done_all finished
        - Shreck's done_all finished
        - Gotham City Cathedral done_all finished
        - Miller Harbordone_all finished

    • Old Gotham:
        - Robinson Park (Midtown) & Botanical Garden done_all finished
        - City Hall done_all finished
        - O'Shaughnessy's done_all finished
        - Central Station done_all finished
        - Solomon Wayne Courthousedone_all finished
        - Clocktower done_all finished
        - Gotham City Radio (GCR) Tower done_all finished
        - Gas Stationdone_all finished
      Gotham Gazettedone_all finished
        - Gotham Heralddone_all finished

    • Little Italy:
        - The Roman (Restaurant) & Falcone Towerdone_all finished
        - Sal (Club) & Maroni Towerdone_all finished
        - Gotham City Bankdone_all finished
        - Giovanni Pizzadone_all finished

    • The Bowery:
        - Opera House done_all finished
        - Alan Wayne Tower (Old Wayne Tower) done_all finished
        - Lady Gotham Boats Departuredone_all finished
        - Midtown Big Belly Burger done_all finished

    • Chinatown:
        - Finnigan's Bar done_all finished
        - Aparo Park done_all finished
        - Gotham Stock Exchange done_all finished
        - Market place done_all finished
        - Ratcatcher's Hideout
      done_all finished

    • Burnley:
        - Cyrus Pinkney Natural History Museum done_all finished
        - Gotham City Police Department Crime Unit HQ done_all finished
        - Olympus Hotel done_all finished

      • The Narrows:
          - My Alibi Bar done_all finished
          - Harvey Bullock Appartmentdone_all finished

          - Selina Kyle Appartmentdone_all finished
          - Elliot Memorial Hospital done_all finished
          - Puckett Park done_all finished
          - Gotham Star Labs done_all finished
          - L'Elegant (restaurant) done_all finished

      • Coventry:
          - Gotham City Rogues Stadiumdone_all finished
          - Rogue 1 Coffeedone_all finished
          - Gotham's Doyle Librarydone_all finished
          - Gotham City Fire Stationdone_all finished
          - Argus HQdone_all finished

          - Cadmus HQdone_all finished

      • Otisburg:
          - Soder Cola done_all finished
          - Gotham City Network done_all finished
          - Amertek done_all finished
          - Sionis Steel Mill done_all finished
          - Koul-Brau Breweries done_all finished
          - Stagg Industries Factory done_all finished
          - Ace Chemicals Factory done_all finished
          - Monarch Playing Cards Factory done_all finished
          - Sartorico done_all finished

      • Park Row:
          - Wayne Memorial Clinic done_all finished
          - Downtown Pauli's Diner done_all finished
          - Morrison Park done_all finished
          - Monarch Theatre done_all finished
          - "Crime Alley" done_all finished
          - Martyr Churchdone_all finished
          - Port Adamsdone_all finished

        • Arkham Island:
            - Arkham Asylum done_all finished
            - Arkham Cemetary done_all finished
            - Arkham Botanical Garden done_all finished
            - Arkham Batcave done_all finished

        • Lady Liberty Island:done_all finished

        • Tricorner Island:
            - Knightsdome Sporting Complexdone_all finished

            - Tricorner Lighthousedone_all finished
            - Empire Theatredone_all finished
            - James Gordon's Appartmentdone_all finished

        • Blackgate Penitentiary:done_all finished

        • ⇑ Road to Metropolis

        • Slaughter Swamp:done_all finished

        • Bristol:
            - Wayne Manor done_all finished
            - Main Batcave done_all finished

            - Gotham Golf Course done_all finished
            - Sionis Warehouse done_all finished
            - Sicily Harbour & Warehouse done_all finished
            - Equestrian Facility done_all finished
            - Falcone Mansion done_all finished

            - Kane Manor done_all finished
            - Elliot Estatedone_all finished
            - Bertinelli Mansion done_all finished
            - Crowne Mansiondone_all finished
          - Stagg Manor done_all finished
            - Abandoned housedone_all finished
            - Cemetery done_all finished

        • Burnside:
            - Gotham Zoo done_all finished
            - Cobalt Shopping Plaza done_all finished
            - Haly's Circus done_all finished

            - Student housingdone_all finished
            - Universitydone_all finished
            - Librarydone_all finished
            - G247 Supermarketdone_all finished
            - Residential area done_all finished
            - Train station done_all finished
            - Morningstar Hotel done_all finished
            - Bowlingdone_all finished
            - Burnside Churchdone_all finished

        • Archie Goodwin International Airport:done_all finished

        • ⇓ Road to Blüdhaven

                Gotham City Minecraft Map

                Gotham is waiting for you. Come and put the suit on, master.
                Progress95% complete

                35 Update Logs

                Update #35 : by LexZeta 11/30/2024 3:20:52 amNov 30th, 2024

                New version available
                LOAD MORE LOGS

                Create an account or sign in to comment.

                12/08/2024 11:34 pm
                Level 1 : New Miner
                12/02/2024 10:58 am
                Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
                Your download is setting off my Windows Defender and Norton. Nope... no thank you. Don't know what you have packaged up in there, and I am not risking my PC to find out either!
                12/02/2024 7:37 pm
                Level 29 : Expert Artist
                it's safe.
                11/29/2024 1:08 pm
                Level 1 : New Miner
                Hey, very great map, but my textures arent right, do I have to install an texture pack seperately or how do I get them?
                11/30/2024 2:18 am
                Level 46 : Master Architect
                That's because you're playing with the wrong version. The latest update of the map is 1.21, and you probably play in 1.21.3
                11/29/2024 4:28 am
                Level 1 : New Miner
                I’m new to Minecraft modding. Can I install this now? This is freaking sick, I wish I had a fraction of your talent!
                12/10/2024 8:14 am
                Level 46 : Master Architect
                Thank you so much! That's not a mod, only a map with custom resources, so you can install it quite easily 😄

                Have fun!
                11/26/2024 4:05 pm
                Level 1 : New Miner
                Will there be more easter eggs added to the map? maybe a Lazarus Pit
                11/27/2024 12:01 pm
                Level 46 : Master Architect
                There's actually already two
                11/29/2024 7:25 pm
                Level 1 : New Miner
                Where? If you don't mind me asking (Also I'm a easter egg nut, I love small details. So this map is like a dream to me)
