Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Gwendalavir - 16000 x 16000 huge custom map

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SilverLR's Avatar SilverLR
Level 41 : Master Soldier
Salutations aventuriers!

Voici ma toute dernière création, une map de 16k par 16k entièrement custom de A à Z! Vous y trouverez plus de 93 biomes différents, des paysages fantasy, des cavernes gargantuesques, des profondeurs inexplorées, des terres mortes ou encore des fleurs géantes! De même, elle est également entièrement compatible pour le mode survie et dispose de toutes sortes de terrains se prêtant tous au build.

Elle est le fruit de plus de 500h de travail acharné sur WorldPainter avec des soins particuliers fait à la main IG, elle est actuellement ma pièce maîtresse de tout ce que j'ai accompli.

Vous pouvez voir beaucoup plus de screens sur mon Discord, n'hésitez pas à y jeter un oeil :)

N'hésitez pas à mettre un diamant, ça m'encourage à produire plus de contenu pour vos petits yeux <3

Greetings adventurers!

Here is my latest creation, a 16k by 16k fully customizable map from A to Z! You'll find more than 93 different biomes, fantasy landscapes, gargantuan caves, unexplored depths, dead lands or giant flowers! Likewise, it is also fully compatible for the survival mode and has all kinds of terrains all ready for build.

It is the result of more than 500h of hard work on WorldPainter with special care handmade IG, it is currently my centerpiece of all that I accomplished.

You can see many more screens on my Discord, do not hesitate to take a look :)

Do not hesitate to put a diamond, it encourages me to produce more content for your little eyes <3
CreditHuge thanks to the God Tree Pack and Paul_zero for the Giant Tree!
Progress100% complete

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08/20/2020 9:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LazyLizard's Avatar
Hello :) Ta map est vraiment magnifique ! Par contre tu l'as appelée Gwendalavir en hommage à la Quête d'Ewilan ? Je ne vois pas trop de coin remarquable du livre, mais c'est peut etre juste les photos ? En tout cas, beau boulot, sincèrement !! Je commence tout juste à toucher World Builder et je suis pas capable de faire la moitié de ce que tu as fais ! Congrats :)
08/04/2020 5:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
LilCrispyDabi's Avatar
By any chance is there ores in this map?
08/05/2020 6:11 am
Level 41 : Master Soldier
SilverLR's Avatar
Yes, 100% survival friendly :)
03/17/2020 2:16 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
03/18/2020 9:56 am
Level 41 : Master Soldier
SilverLR's Avatar
Indeed, I saw, thank you for pointing it out to me, it is corrected! I thought I did it, my apologies!
08/09/2019 6:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
304Gamer's Avatar
Any dungeons and special items? :3
07/30/2019 8:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
enigma0gaming's Avatar
i understand wanting to get payed for something that took you 500 hours to build but 200 euros is too much maybe 60 and then it would open more people up to buying it. i understand your concern of piracy as well because as soon as 1 person buys it there is a risk of them distributing it to other people if you want a payday sell it to mojang for use on realms
07/25/2019 4:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AlphaWolf_PlayzYT's Avatar
Hey wondering, when the map will be available to download, says 100 percent complete! It looks great love to use it on my video when I get a new channel!
07/30/2019 8:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
enigma0gaming's Avatar
its 200 euro's in his discord this will never be free so sadly none of us will be getting this map i understand charging for a build that took quite a while to do but $200 fuck that
06/18/2019 7:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Netty96's Avatar
Can't wait for the map to be able to be downloaded! Absolutely stunning, I hope I'll be able to play with my friends on it in the future. I joined the discord to keep up with your updates, keep up the amazing work!
