Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Hard challenges for the original skyblock map on 1.16

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Eleite Ranger's Avatar Eleite Ranger
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
1. Start a village
2. Obtain redstone
3. Get iron
4. Make a piston
5. Upgrade your cobblestone generator with a piston
6. Obtain slime
7. Make a sticky piston
8. Make an iron farm
9. Obtain gravel
10. Obtain nether bricks
11. Obtain quartz
12. Obtain obsidian
13. Obtain crying obsidian
14. Obtain soul sand
15. Build a nether brick plat form in the nether from -323 52 -106 to -325 52 -209 (you will have to rework this in worlds with seeds other than 0)(needs fixed, as I found out the seed was only 0 because the world file i checked the seed of skyblock on had been corrupted. If you find out the location of a fortress on the correct seed on a pre-nether update version, please tell me where a platform would work and the seed)
16. Obtain blaze rods
17. Obtain coal
18. Obtain wither skeleton skulls
19. Craft a respawn anchor
20. Make every villager's job site
21. Obtain full iron gear (including tools)
22. Obtain full diamond gear (including tools)
23. Make an anvil
24. Obtain 64 dirt
25. Obtain 64 sand
26. Obtain every dye
27. Obtain every sapling
28. Grow every tree
29. Make a coal block
30. Make a glass house
31. Make a dirt house
32. Make a concrete house
33. Make an aquarium complete with coral and sea pickles
34. Bake a cake
35. Obtain 64 podzol
36. Obtain 64 blue ice
37. Craft an observer
38. Craft a comparator
39. Obtain kelp
40. Fight the wither
41. Obtain every flower (except the tall ones)
42. Craft a beacon
Optional: Make a simple redstone computer

The map is just tips for the challenges. Use it if you get stuck.
Progress100% complete

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06/12/2020 11:59 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Eleite Ranger
Eleite Ranger's Avatar
If you make a video about the challenges please tell me I would love to watch one.
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