Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Simple Harvest Moon Map [Modded]

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CyberRocky25's Avatar CyberRocky25
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
This is a very simplistic map based on the harvest moon games. The buildings are small (so be careful where you spawn things. Expect Mineral Town to be kept very simplistic because I never actually played HMFoMT, what I got there is based only on what I've researched about the game map and villagers. HMAWL on the other hand is one of the only harvest moon games I've ever played, so that's why that part of the map looks bigger.

I did the most that I could, but I don't really have the time to keep working on this map, so I'm going to leave it the way it is and say that it's complete.


Additional Notes

I'd suggest using the gold in your toolshed to hire one or two guards and have them follow you during the night to avoid getting killed. You can also buy iron armor at Cody's place (you'd know where that is if you played HMAWL).

Alternatively, you're better off going to bed at night because you either risk creepers blowing up the map, villagers turning into zombies, and even getting spammed about how certain MCA villagers can't teleport "home" because I made them stay home anyway (or else they'd be running all over the place.
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by CyberRocky25 08/20/2013 7:36:09 pmAug 20th, 2013

I thought the map needed more guards... it also turned out that the one of the NPC guards didn't even have it's role as guard even set up. I also thought I'd make them able to wander much farther.

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08/20/2013 3:04 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Narwhal
rosnat000's Avatar
would it be ok if I used this as a template to make a version that doesnt need mods?
08/20/2013 3:27 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
CyberRocky25's Avatar
sure, you could do that, although you'd be missing out on many of the crops that are available only through harvestcraft.Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã

What I imagine you might do is use the vanilla villagers and MCedit to create the shops like the ones that I made. I think this might work pretty good actually.

Alternatively, you could very well turn this into an roleplaying map on a private server in which that you can have others play the roles of different characters (then you can incorporate things such as marriage).
08/20/2013 9:56 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Narwhal
rosnat000's Avatar
I was planning on doing the villager shop thing, like you said. :) If I ever finish and post an un-modded version I will be sure to give you credit
08/21/2013 10:59 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
CyberRocky25's Avatar
I don't mean to spam, but in fact I really was hoping someone would take over this project for themselves anyway because I was feeling too obsessed with it and I really want to distance myself from it... doing this for me, you'd also be doing me a favor because I'm a hasty builder, so I'm pretty sure if you have more patience than I do (a trait that I lack), you'll do a much better job. In fact, I'm going to subscribe to stuff..

Now I don't mean to pressure you either, actually I'm trusting that you won't be doing it under pressure like I was since you volunteered, right? Take your time, don't become like me, lol ;)

I tend to make myself anxious for no reason because I tend to become a people pleaser.
08/21/2013 7:01 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
CyberRocky25's Avatar
Oh, and just in case you don't know how to make a egg spawn shop with command blocks, use this format:

/give @p 383 1 <ENTITY ID>
Source: minecraftwiki of course! :P

I mention this method because there seems to be a problem using spawn eggs as villager trades.

You could even set up the command blocks to require levels to buy eggs if you want to make it more of challenge to get them. Also if you really wanted experience desperately, you could make buying a bottle of enchanting into a trade option.
08/21/2013 6:54 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
CyberRocky25's Avatar
Just in case you forgot how to do them, there are tutorials on youtube which explain how you make them with a chest and then edit them with MCEdit... just saying because even I've forgotten how to do it. Also remember to keep a back up because you don't want to end up with invincible villagers with bad trades by mistake (this happened to me before and I had to use NBTEdit, but this is a mod (NBTEdit) and wouldn't be good to use if you plan to have a vanilla server for example).

Oh and good luck :)
08/20/2013 12:01 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Narwhal
rosnat000's Avatar
Downloaded and diamond :) Cool map
08/20/2013 7:33 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
CyberRocky25's Avatar
actually, I'm updating another time because I didn't think there were enough guards... so I've added quite a few more, but it won't be uploaded until a few minutes
08/20/2013 3:34 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
CyberRocky25's Avatar
I just updated it with some minor changes, so try out the new version. :)
08/15/2013 11:15 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Willy's Avatar
Hey dude. I see that you are making a Harvest Moon project. When I was little this used to be my favorite game. This looks so much like the map on the game itself. But I do think that the buildings should have more detail and better roofs. I know you are just trying to make it exactly what it looks like in the video game but it will look even better with better features. Remember that if you put 110% of your time and effort into this that it will turn out good and you will progress into a good builder faster. ;)
