Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Highschool Minecraft RP map

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Bedrock Edition
Level 41 : Master Skinner
Hey guys whats up! today I bring you my fist map release...My Minecraft Highschool roleplaying map! of course you don't have to rp on it. If you are bored and want to just explore you can do that too! I made this map when I was sitting at home for a week, I was sick, bored, and had nothing to do until I got the idea to make this. I had some buddies that was gonna help me but they never got around to it so that means I built this by myself. five days of nothing but Minecraft a little bit of YouTube and tons of dr. pepper cans built up in my room And I gotta so it was worth it! Its not as impressive as many other maps in its group but I hope its simple design is eye catching enough for some of you! Thank you guys for checking it out and tell me what you think and be honest. If theres something wrong, maybe the desks looked dumb or perhaps the lighting was bad please tell me so I can get better a building Be sure its actual constructive criticism and not you just being and ass though. Anyways thanks again for checking this out and I hope it suits your fancies!
Progress100% complete

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09/03/2023 8:01 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
So cool!
07/24/2023 1:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
The place where you don't belong are hinted on the right side of the second floor. The hints are located in the cooking class, snack room, and workshop. I found it strange that there wasn't something there like there was where the nurse's office. So I broke the wall. I just need to know what it is ;-; me and my partner spent around an hour trying to figure out where we "didn't belong" was
08/03/2023 6:56 pm
Level 41 : Master Skinner
I was gonna add more hints but I figured the discolored blocks behind the signs on the wall and the small hints that was there would have been enough. Next map I make I'll be sure to have more pointers for Secrets if there is any.
07/16/2023 4:55 am
Level 1 : New Network
