Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Hirado Castle 平戸城

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Chousogabe's Avatar Chousogabe
Level 38 : Artisan Enderdragon
Hirado Castle was built on top of a small, rounded mountainous peninsula facing Hirado Bay, surrounded on three sides by water.
This is not a 100% copy of the real Hirado castle.
Hirado Castle (Hirado Castle, Hirado-jō) was the seat of the Matsura clan, the daimyō of Hirado Domain, of Hizen Province, Kyūshū. It is located in present-day Hirado city Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. It was also known as Kameoka Castle.
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07/30/2022 5:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MiAoTurtl3's Avatar
how can I use the schematic?
07/31/2022 12:18 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Enderdragon
Chousogabe's Avatar
Install the "World Edit" plugin, simply google "Minecraft world edit".
Or use this link www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldedit
