Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Huge Oak Treehouse...live amongst nature!

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Proff_C's Avatar Proff_C
Level 40 : Master Narwhal
1.14.4 Forge with Worldedit

Rumour has it that this massive oak tree grew in the ruins of a statue....

Evidence of this is in the stone work around the base...

Find the hidden entrance under the old statue...work your way up to the base of the tree, then wind your way up it's mighty trunk..

Humbly appointed this treehouse has room to grow...reading area..balconies galore..cooking and entertaining area...and a small bedroom nestled amongst the branches...

Over half a million blocks....so rather large in size...only 27kb but
May need to disable fire spread...lol

Hassle free download, give credit where it is due if you'd like to use it somewhere...cheers!!
Progress100% complete

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11/10/2019 11:38 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
misterich's Avatar
just wow; have built this tree, or generated it oder let it grow out of many seeds?
11/10/2019 7:42 pm
Level 40 : Master Narwhal
Proff_C's Avatar
Cheers!......I built the whole thing using Worldedit...
