Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Interchangeable Mob And XP Grinder (Switch between Mob and XP Mode with a lever)

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Level 22 : Expert Engineer
Hey there,
This is my first major project type thing and it is a Mob Grinder for Minecraft 1.0.0 which has a switch in the control labeled XP Grinder that when flicked turns the Mob Grinder into and XP Grinder. The entire thing is operated from one control which includes the collection point, option switches and XP Grinding position. This is my first project and I created it all from scratch excluding the Spawner where I modified a design from the Minecraft Wiki to make it suitable for an XP Grinder and to not spawn spiders. There is an MC Edit Schematic File available to download as well as a World File so you have many options.

Comments and Diamonds are greatly appreciated.

I found that on a flat grass world with no caves this gave me 1518 items in a hour. (Calculated by setting to hard mode and dawn and then ensuring that it didn't rain or turn to night for 10 minutes. I then multiplied the number of items I got in 10 minutes - 253 - by 6 to reach 1518 items per hour)

Why not check out my channel for other cool Redstone Stuff - http://www.youtube.com/user/TaintedRedstone?feature=mhee

There will be a series of videos soon detailing the steps to make something like this right through from the spawner to the elevator to the killing device to the redstone to control the mode.

Hope people enjoy using this or find it helpful.
Progress100% complete

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06/09/2012 6:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
nice work. im looking for inspiration for a huge mob farm and this is looking pretty good.
02/04/2012 4:53 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Creeper Blew it Up :( in Xp mode
01/22/2012 10:38 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
Not very hard to make, but its helpful. you earned yourself a diamond
01/01/2012 4:06 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
wow the xp grinder just got destroyed by creepers O.o
01/01/2012 2:12 pm
Level 22 : Expert Engineer
Wow!!!. I am currently level 64 with this and have never had it blown up by creepers.
12/23/2011 9:25 am
Level 39 : Artisan Archer
12/27/2011 1:27 pm
Level 22 : Expert Engineer
Thanks :D
