Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Island Warriors [1v1v1v1 PVP Map] (Complete)

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Level 14 : Journeyman Princess
Welcome to a new 4 player PVP map made by myself, MinrJag.

I've seen a TON of videos of maps like Bridges, Lava Warriors, Skyblock Warriors, etc. get super popular for this kind of gameplay. I always thought it would be fun to make one of those maps, so I decided to try my hand at it, and SURPRISE SURPRISE, it is super fun! :)

-Things you should know-
*You can trade gold ingots with the villagers for a ton of loot*
*You need a diamond or iron pickaxe to get into the middle area*
*You NEED to play this with 4 players, or it will spawn you on the wrong islands!*

*No purposefully exploiting the map to get unfair advantages*
*No breaking blocks of the lobby*
*No climbing out of the game area (inside the bedrock square)*

If you make a video of you and your friends/enemies playing the map, post it in the comments or PM it to me! ;)

My YouTube channel [Subscribe]

(Secret easter egg for NoochM. ;3)

Thanks for playing everyone! ;D

Progress100% complete

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09/13/2013 2:13 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Consider trying to make a singleplayer adventure, for the people who don't have friends like me Minr :c
09/13/2013 9:21 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Princess
eh, I'm too much of a perfectionist when it comes to SMP maps.
09/14/2013 4:03 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Meh. Nice work.
Pixel Crab
09/12/2013 1:04 pm
Level 25 : Expert Button Pusher
Great work, keep it up.
09/12/2013 9:51 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Princess
Thanks! <3
