Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Kraken Boss Fight [1.8]

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GildedSimian's Avatar GildedSimian
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
It's been a while since my last post, actually just over a year now haha. Been caught up in too much and havent had time to work on any projects. Anyways because of that I'm not 100% happy with this project however I do still like it a lot and I enjoyed making it highly. I left it at 95% because it's not as polished as I'd like it to be and there may or may not be a few bugs I havent found. I'm uploading it like this however because I did put quite a bit of work into it and I fear I'll never finish otherwise or without feedback. Very similar to my last post just a bit more updated. Also note my lack of a video which i just have had time to make. Enjoy all! also here's a hint I didn't leave in the map. Eating one of your golden apples doesn;t just heal you but it also cures the effects of the Kraken's ink attack.

Tracking Eyes
Slime block potion launchers
Player detection platforms
Damage indicator tint
beaing eaten by a pod of angry squid
Full boss health and life counter display
Boss fight timer

Updated with bug fixes, check update log.
Progress95% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by GildedSimian 09/08/2014 1:54:18 pmSep 8th, 2014

Updated to change arrow despawns. Fixed Harming II potions back to Harming ! potions, minor bug fixes when beating the boss and possible scoreboard fixes.

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08/16/2020 11:49 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
iskallfan85's Avatar
how to play?
09/08/2014 2:06 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Answer
DylzCraft's Avatar
Looks good. Any required texture pack, or is it in the game automatically?
09/08/2014 2:09 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
GildedSimian's Avatar
No Required pack, you can use whatever pack suits your fancy!
09/08/2014 2:26 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Answer
DylzCraft's Avatar
Couldn't help taking a peek at the redstone aswell, you understand your stuff!
09/08/2014 2:25 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Answer
DylzCraft's Avatar
Nice fun map, I found a spot on the 3rd pilar to your right where if you go to the edge holding shift, the kraken wont damage you, might wanna fix that, Overall a good fun map!
09/08/2014 2:30 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
GildedSimian's Avatar
Dispensers by nature are random in where they place the potions. Things like that are nearly unavoidable because even if you cover the entire platform a well timed jump will elude all damade. My hope was that even when people found out these things they would try to beat the map the way it was intended and not use factors like this. Thanks you though for the comment, while its not polished I did put quite a bit of effort into the map so it's nice to know it's being well recieved.
09/08/2014 10:49 am
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
Barkeben's Avatar
Nice! Lots of fun trying to kill him... It's really hard.
I kinda wish the arrows wouldn't be lodged in the bullseye for so long. And I'm not sure what the scoreboard was supposed to do. But nice work.
09/08/2014 11:42 am
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
GildedSimian's Avatar
Thanks! As for the arrows being lodged in the target I just simply let the game use it's own arrow despawn timer of about a minute to prevent people from spamming onto any 1 target while they have it lined up however that could easily be changed just by killing all arrows every second or so. Which scoreboard are you talking about? The main boss health board or did I leave up a scoreboard from testing on the side of the screen?
09/08/2014 11:53 am
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
Barkeben's Avatar
Yeah, I was just having a real hard time hitting some of the targets. But the ones I could hit, I could only do once every 2 minutes, so I never actually won. :P

The big boss healthboard. It didn't do anything while I was playing. Just said BOSS and then a 5 the whole time.
09/08/2014 1:04 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
GildedSimian's Avatar
Thanks I'll have to have a look at that... It worked fine for all my tests, I may have messed something up before saving the map. The health should tick down and the number next to the heart is your life count which also ticks down every time you die.
