Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

D-Day Battlefield Map [1.7 and 1.8]

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Level 22 : Expert Architect
This is a D Day map origonally made by KRE8IVE and modified by MGRocks and number1auburn. The origonal map's link is here-http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/battlefield-map-d-day/. This map works best with 8 or more people but can be played by 2 or more. It has no certain way to play so do what ever you want. To reset the map you will have to download it again. Sorry.

To Download:
1. Save the world to your downloads.
2. Go to your START menu in the corner of you screen and type in "%appdata%" and open the ".minecraft" folder
3. Open the "saves" folder and just leave this open.
4. Go to your START menu in the corner of your screen.
5. Open your "downloads" folder and find the Quick Build map.
6. Open the "D Day.zip" file.
7. Drag the folder that is inside of the "D Day.zip" file into your "saves" folder you opened earlier.
8. Restart your minecraft launcher and the map should be there under singleplayer.
CreditMGRocks, number1auburn, KRE8IVE
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update 2.0 : by Marsh_101 07/02/2014 4:39:45 pmJul 2nd, 2014

As of today there will be no more updates coming out. Sorry.

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06/16/2014 9:15 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
I made some miner changes that in my opinion made it better. Like, the origonal had one team steal the other person's diamond block. I took that out along with fixed the doors and some chest glitches. Other very small things were changed too .
06/16/2014 7:51 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
I dont see the difference from the original ^^
06/16/2014 5:45 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Don't hate please guys.  :)
