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Kremlin Wall

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Koronos_Windzor's Avatar Koronos_Windzor
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
O great walls of Moscow! You are a symbol and witness of the whole life of Moscow and the existence of Russia!!! As a resident of Moscow, I admire and bow to you. You survived everything-from the invasion of the first conquerors of new Moscow Russia to the second world war and the great Patriotic war. You are the main symbol of the whole country! At your majestic walls are all the major holidays of our country-New year, the first and ninth of may. You have become a reliable protection and support for the successful growth, expansion and strengthening of Moscow's influence. You are one of the oldest monuments and one of the main assets of our country!!!!

And now about the history of this truly great symbol of our country. The first earthworks on the site of the modern Kremlin wall appeared presumably in the 9-10 centuries ad. The Kremlin wall is now a brick wall that surrounds the Moscow Kremlin. Built on the site of white stone walls of Dmitry Donskoy in 1485-1516 years "dago harmony" masters. The length of the Kremlin walls is 2235 meters, the thickness is 3.5-5.5 meters, the height of the wall from the ground to the teeth from 5 to 19 meters. Along the perimeter of the wall form an irregular triangle.Fortress of red brick, the view of which the Kremlin has now, was built in the late XV century.
The first stone fortress — Detinets on the territory of Moscow was named-white-Stone Moscow Kremlin. Its appearance allowed the Grand Duchy of Moscow to pursue a more independent and aggressive policy. Since that time, the Chronicles appeared the name "Moscow white Stone", and its military significance was determined in 1368 during the attack of the Lithuanian Prince Olgerd.
While under the protection of the walls of the Kremlin, Moscow has been gradually expanded around it built a new jail. Already in 1409-m Temnik Edigu of the Golden Horde did not dare to come close to the fortifications. Was unsuccessful and the raids of Khan Ulu-Mukhammed in 1439-m. the Wall has withstood an earthquake 1445. But the limestone was gradually destroyed, wooden patches were placed on the place of the stone walls — in 1451, during the attack, the troops of the Horde Prince Mazovia tried to get into the city through them.
By the middle of the XV century Ivan III conquered Novgorod and became the sovereign ruler of Northern Russia, and after his marriage to Sophia Paleologue was heir to the Byzantine emperors. A similar condition of the wall more did not match his power.
The foundations of the walls and towers turned out to be of high quality, they could continue to be used: brick walls stand on this Foundation until now. Researches of archaeologists have shown that the Foundation made of white quarry stone and in some places used the wall of the Kremlin of the time of Dmitry Donskoy. Ivan III demolished dilapidated walls and replaced them with fortifications, taking into account the new tasks of fortification, as well as the invention of gunpowder and firearms. For the reconstruction of the dilapidated white-stone Kremlin, Ivan III was invited to Moscow by the best European engineers. The creation of new fortifications involved a specialist in military architecture Ridolfo Fioraventi.
Construction of new fortifications began in 1485, the Kremlin was erected for more than ten years — it was the most grandiose construction of the XV century in Russia.
The first to build a southern wall, facing the Moscow river. It was a convenient place for trade and transportation of goods from barges, but Ivan III banned in this place and trade and construction, according to this tradition behind the southern wall and nothing was built, so to this day preserved the view of the Kremlin from the Moscow river.
Simultaneously with the construction of the Grand Palace and the renovation of the Kremlin churches, white-stone walls and towers were dismantled, and new ones were erected in their place. Used large burnt brick weighing up to 8 kilograms (30х14х17 cm or 31х15х9 cm). The walls were not completely brick: they erected a frame 110-115 cm deep and filled it with white-stone rubble and lime. Then on top of the backing was laid four rows of bricks and built a new frame for the stone. Ivanovo Kremlin got the modern shape of an irregular triangle, and the walls and towers with minor changes survived until the present day. For their construction took about 300 thousand tons of brick, and with their size the number of bricks was about 100 million pieces. Before Troitskaya, Konstantino-Eleninskaya and tainitski tower set for more advanced towers have brought their number to 22: one tower was the gate, the rest was exterior. To our time survived only kutafia tower from the Troitsky gate.
In 1508 on the territory of red square dug Aleviz ditch width of 36 meters and a depth of 8 meters and laid brick and stone. The water in it came from the Neglinnaya river.
In the XVII century, the borders of the state moved away from Moscow, and the Kremlin was no longer threatened by a surprise attack. The fortress lost its defensive importance and decided to decorate it with decorative tents above the towers. At this point, the clock appears on the Spasskaya tower. The following year, the clock was destroyed by fire, and in 1625-m Galova produced to replace them new. Watch blue came out on both sides of the tower, their diameter was about 5 meters and a weight of 3400 pounds. The arrows in the clock was in place, rotate the dial. The clockwork and the bells were placed in a new superstructure, which raised the tent 71 meters above the ground: in the Spasskaya tower 10 floors, and three of them are allocated under the clockwork. Watch Galloway served until the early eighteenth century. In addition, the Spasskaya tower was decorated with white-stone pyramids, figures of lions and bears. But after 60 years and the towers were crowned with brick tents, tiled roof and Golden weathervanes.
The tower, built high decorative tents, have identified a new image of Moscow, restored after complete destruction in the time of Troubles.
In 1680 the new Kremlin was whitewashed for the first time. It also become white in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries — with the exception of the Spasskaya, Nikolskaya and Troitskaya towers in certain periods. The last time the walls were whitewashed in the early 1880s, after that the Kremlin remained red.
By the end of the XVII century the walls had lost many floors and lost reliable protection from precipitation. In the beginning of the eighteenth century, burned down the original plank roof walls[61]. This led the walls to a dilapidated state and required frequent repairs. Negative impact on the walls and the transfer of the capital to St. Petersburg-the attention of the authorities to the Kremlin decreased. Peter I was passionate about building a new capital and temporarily banned stone construction in other cities.
Under Catherine II, architect Vasily Bazhenov created a project and a large-scale model of the future Kremlin Palace, which was never implemented. Bazhenov set a goal to update the view of the dilapidated city. In accordance with the aesthetics of classicism dominating in those years, the Palace was to occupy the territory of the Kremlin. For this purpose in 1770 dismantled the Kremlin wall along the river with Tainitsky gate, Petrovsky, The first and Second Nameless tower. The passage was necessary to Bazhenov for construction of a wide front ladder to the Moscow river/ Solemn laying of the new Palace took place on June 1, 1773. But soon the Empress had lost interest in the construction: it has become clear that it is impractical. Catherine favoured the retention of the old view of Vodovzvodnaya tower, 1774-m the construction of the Palace stopped. May, Catherine decided not to continue the project, as dug out of the pit looked ancient Kremlin cathedrals. She ordered to restore the southern fortress wall and dismantled towers along the Moskva river. Since then, there has been a discrepancy between the Kremlin wall between the Annunciation and the tainitsky towers: builders restored the walls on both sides and made a mistake in the calculations for the tainitsky tower at 40 cm.on September 2, 1812 Moscow was captured by the army of Napoleon. On September 3, he fled the Kremlin, escaping from the fire and ordered to mine and blow up the Kremlin buildings. Most of the charges did not work, but the explosion of the Kremlin by the French caused heavy damage to the walls, especially the walls along the Neglinnaya: blew up the Arsenal, Vodovzvodnaya, Peter and the first unnamed tower, seriously damaged corner Arsenal tower and extensions to the bell tower of Ivan the Great, partially damaged the building of the Senate. The Spasskaya tower from the explosion saved the pouring rain, he extinguished the burning cord. Repair and restoration took place from 1817 to 1822. Pseudo-Gothic decor details were added to the appearance of Borovitsky and Vodovzvodnaya towers. In 1866-1870 the restoration of walls and towers was carried out by architects Nikolai Shokhin, Peter Gerasimov and Fedor Richter. They sought to give the buildings their original appearance, but many authentic details were lost and replaced by inaccurate copies.
In October-November 1917, during the armed uprising, the territory of the Kremlin was seriously affected by the shelling by revolutionary troops, which severely damaged the walls, the Spasskaya tower and the clock on it, as well as Nikolskaya and Bikemishevskaya towers, almost all the temples in the Kremlin. Restoration of walls and towers took place in 1918-1919.
On the eve of the 18th anniversary of the October revolution of the USSR and the Central Committee of the party decided November 7, 1935 to remove eagles from the Spasskaya, Nikolskaya, Borovitskaya, Trinity towers, the Kremlin wall and Historical Museum, instead of on the towers set five-pointed star with hammer and sickle. Kremlin stars were made of metal and gilded. In the center of each star with the two sides fixed the emblem — the hammer and sickle. It was made up of thousands of Ural gems: amethysts, aquamarines and rubies. The first stars were unsuccessful and too large. They weighed the same as modern, but was made of thin metal and started to rust, and the gem to crumble.

The Moscow Kremlin is the largest medieval fortress in the world, its area is more than 27 hectares.

A little about my Kremlin. I built perhaps the most famous part of it-the Spasskaya tower with two adjacent Senate and Royal towers. The height of the Spasskaya tower was about 550 blocks, the height of the Senate-270 blocks, Royal-250 blocks. The map itself consists of 3 parts-the top of the Spasskaya tower, the top of the wall and their mills.
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Comrade Winters
08/25/2018 10:20 pm
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Better than min
05/26/2018 5:18 pm
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Классно, братан
Landscape - Team
04/20/2018 7:14 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
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Nice job !
