Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Lavender Apartments | A modern build - MineWood

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Entriquit_'s Avatar Entriquit_
Level 13 : Journeyman Narwhal
Today I present to you Lavender Apartments

These lavish apartments were originally constructed on an old server I played on with a few friends. With the recent launch of our new Project - The Nytro Net Server, is has been restored and updated to the latest version!

These apartments sit right along the bank on the edge of the river within the capital on our server. With stunning views, beautiful interior and tons of room for expansion, who wouldn't want to live here!?

Feel free to use this build for whatever you want, even your own server or adventure map as long as you Diamond and give credit where it is due. If you post a project on PMC that containts this build, please be curteous and provide a link to her as well.

Thank you.
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Lavender Apartments | A modern build - MineWood Minecraft Map
Progress80% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Entriquit_ 09/04/2017 12:20:13 amSep 4th, 2017

  • Added Lobby Interior
  • Added Pool Room Interior
  • Took new screenshots

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