Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Lighthouse of Alexandria

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Level 44 : Master Unicorn
Seen some really nice attempts at the Great Lighthouse and thought i would give it a go for myself!

Built with Zombieflymod and admin cmd's for unlimited resources. Just as well as the insides used more red-stone than i could comprehend!

The Lights on/off mechanism is a fairly simple one. Sticky pistons with smooth stone block the windows but are disengaged to reveal the glow-stone behind it. The tricky part was wiring it all in for 200 sticky pistons in a very limited space.

No schematics i'm afraid but i added a YouTube link so you can see it working if you wish to.

Hope you enjoy!

Progress100% complete

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10/30/2013 4:12 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
can you put it up for download please
