Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Little Roman baroque church

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xv12commander's Avatar xv12commander
Level 57 : Grandmaster Architect
Hi! I've been really busy with a project in these months, unluckily I had to stop because I am having problem with my PC and I have to solve them... I've done this small project (finished in a day) also to tell everyone that I accept commissions! You can contact me on PM or by Email: xv12commander@gmail.com to have further information; I build realistic, playable, classical buildings whose stiles can be ancient,renaissance,baroque,neoclassical and other but I can also do experiment beside my specialties :) I am also an expert in reproduction of real buildings in those stiles.

This small church is an attempt to build a nice looking simple dome in Minecraft, I've been experimenting domes in minecraft since many years ago on my first church project (La Salute) and while it can be relatively easy to build big domes it's not an easy task to build a small church whose dome still look quite nice and realistic, I reaquires all your care and experience; I've tried to put mine in this project and I hope you like it!
Btw buildings like this may look impressively better in a context, that's why my dream is to build a whole city in Minecraft, with streets, squares, etc, but I'd never be able to build it alone, so if you are a talented builder and you have the same dream you can contact me also and maybe a day we will be enough people to start a very ambitiuos project such as that :)
Progress90% complete

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Scipio Aemilianus
03/10/2021 9:44 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Scipio Aemilianus's Avatar
A lot of detail in a small amount of space. This build looks like it should be way larger than it actually is. Amazingly you managed to make a very detailed structure with so few blocks.
08/09/2021 10:55 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Architect
xv12commander's Avatar
Thanks!! That was exactly the aim :)
11/11/2020 10:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Chemms's Avatar
nice building uwu
