Minecraft Maps / Complex

"City of Time" 1890-2090

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Level 42 : Master Toast Theorist

Ello! Back again with my first major build on this account, a Victorian to Cyberpunk city!
Built with my good friend AJck, and the 1st place winner :D in the HYTOPIA creators time travel competition!

"City of Time" 1890-2090 Minecraft Map

This is by far the most detailed and rushed project I think I've ever worked on, being a 150x150 block city completed in only ten days .-.
But despite the slightly stressful deadline, this is also one of my proudest builds I've ever made!
I definitely feel like I've leveled up considerably with texturing as well as composition, and I can't wait to make more builds like this!

Me and Aj, along with Whatsupο»Ώ3317 actually made 2nd place with another giant build before this one! πŸ‘€Check it out here!
CreditMany thanks to Ajck :D Now go follow them! https://twitter.com/abbyjck
Progress100% complete

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Den Worlds Studios
β€’ 01/20/2024 5:53 pm
β€’ Level 49 : Master Tiger Batman
Download Minecraft world
β€’ 01/20/2024 9:59 pm
β€’ Level 42 : Master Toast Theorist
Hi there! I unfortunately don't have a download at this time
β€’ 10/29/2023 11:58 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
can you download the map?
β€’ 10/29/2023 11:41 am
β€’ Level 2 : Apprentice System
Wow very cool!!! Where can I download this building?
