Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Mars north pole (5000x5000 blocks) complete

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Damo_C's Avatar Damo_C
Level 42 : Master Architect
Done and finished :) will upload this coming wednesday 08/08/12 (large file 500 odd megs)

Recommend using Red Planet (32x32) texture pack

*added some sand and gravel for a more dustbowl area affect
***just waiting for my new broadband to be installed by engineer
***YAY! engineer has installed the new sexy 60 meg speed and will upload in the next 5 mins :)

Don't forget to subscribe for more maps and diamonds to encourage me to keep pumping maps out :)
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Damo_C 08/10/2012 3:02:11 pmAug 10th, 2012

done and finished but might review and change the area around the icecap at a later date

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06/23/2018 3:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
timothysparrow's Avatar
Dude fix the download please!
03/11/2015 4:58 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Rho569120's Avatar
How do you Download these mapS? I went and took me to an advert plagued page that no matter what requires some kinda access to my social media.
08/31/2012 1:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TrUlololol's Avatar
I hope i find Santas Workshop :D
08/25/2012 8:22 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
It's awesome ! what tool did you use for this render ?
08/25/2012 8:27 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Damo_C's Avatar
i use a greyscale height map of the area then used adobe to tweak and adjust it so its just right for worldpainter, which i then used to produce and add finishing touches before exporting as a world save to winrar up and upload for everyone :)
08/25/2012 8:43 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
interesting !
08/08/2012 11:41 am
Level 27 : Expert Taco
spike43884's Avatar
kool map
now your next challenge is jupiter :P LOL :P
08/08/2012 12:17 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Damo_C's Avatar
lol now that would be cool
08/14/2012 6:16 am
Level 27 : Expert Taco
spike43884's Avatar
LOL you know it would be so easy 'Place no blocks so its just the void' JUPITER IS GAS
08/14/2012 10:07 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Damo_C's Avatar
  • Jupiter's core is made up of rock, metal, and hydrogen compounds.
  • Jupiter's outer core is made up of metallic hydrogen.
  • Jupiter's mantle is made up of liquid hydrogen and helium.
  • Jupiter's cloud tops are just made up of the gases hydrogen and helium.
  • Jupiter's atmosphere is made up of 89.8% hydrogen and 10.2% helium with traces of methane and ammonia.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_Jupiter_mostly_made_of#ixzz23X7tnsYT

alot of it is indeed gas if i could have loads of cloud layers and make it about 2000 in height and then add a liquid ocean with a i presume metallic look sea wed be getting closer to our goal :) , some insane winds would be nice too and dont get me started on gravity lol
