Minecraft Maps / Complex

Psykoschlumpf's Medieval Siege Engines Bundle

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
Hey guys, today a very different thing from what I usually do. I checked at the medieval siege engine on PMC, and it seems to not have a lot. So here I made this bundle, which I hope will be hopefull for your maps. All thoses engines have a pretty accurate size, and were used during the Middle-Age. I made a lot of searchs on a dozen of websites to build them. Now, a description engine per engine to sleep clever tonight:

o�ºLet's start with the Falconet. It's one of the first gun-using weapons in Europe. Mainly used on battlefields at first, it became popular by it's using in navy. Very ranged weapons, about 1km. As you can see, there's a kind of roof, it's in fact a panel to protect artilleriemen from arrows. Used to make breaches in opposites walls.

o�ºThe second one is the Trebuchet, the most popular medieval siege engine in my mind. A long ranged (~200m) and powerfull. My favourite one. Used to make breach walls/bombard opposite cities.

o�ºThe third one is a Ballista, a kind of catapult. It was used only at the beginning of the Middle-Age, but quickly abandonned to Trebuchet. Most of them were taken to Romans by barbarians. Medium range.

o�ºLet's talk about the Couillard. I laughed first time I read this name... I won't translate it. Just know that it's a smaller trebuchet with 2 small counterweighs. See now? Short range.

o�ºThe fifth is the Pierriere. It's a french word, I didn't found any similar in english (it refered me to trebuchet). In fact, those are small trebuchet without counterweigh, but ropes. It was use for the defense, and place on tower. The whole population of a city was able to use it. Short range.

o�ºSixth and seventh pictures are Battering rams. Everybody know what they were used for. They're highly protected from arrows/water. I made 2 rams, a moving one with wheels, and a static one without. In fact, the static one was directly set under the walls. Lighter than the moving one.

o�ºAnd the last one, as famous as the Trebuchet, is the Siege tower, used time ago by Romans and even Greeks. Used to pass above the walls, those were deadly engines. Increased siege towers had catapult on their roof, and a ram below.

Download: Yes

TP: JohnSmith

Builder: Psykoschlumpf

Like? So leave a diamond, subscribe and check my others projects!

Don't forget to give me the credits if you use it!
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Psykoschlumpf 11/17/2013 1:52:37 pmNov 17th, 2013

Updated all pics!

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Mine Maus Craft
02/23/2015 12:36 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Well done :-)
11/19/2013 11:00 am
Level 82 : Elite Goblin
11/19/2013 12:11 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
11/18/2013 2:20 am
Level 37 : Artisan Bunny
Très original ce build bundle, à et puis ce que je suis là, coucou Psyko !
11/19/2013 12:11 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
Salut, content de trouver ici :-)
09/15/2013 5:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
whats the texturepack?
07/06/2013 9:36 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Artist
Hello, I was wondering if we could use your Siege equipment in our RPG Server build?
07/06/2013 10:14 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
Sure, it's free
04/06/2013 11:22 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
GJ :) !
03/02/2013 5:12 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
i can't use the map please try to make it as zip soon ok
