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ZxylBasilio's Avatar ZxylBasilio
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Gawayne Isle

NOTE : The download link only includes the Town of Gawayne. 

UPDATE 8 is out; August 8, 2014
ANNOUNCEMENT :  Someone helped my with terraforming, look at his profile below thewolfninja's profile. Also changed the name of the project to 'Gawayne Isle'
ANNOUNCEMENT : The project will mostly be updated every 10 days because as you can see I'm currently in Medicine School. Sorry 'bout that.

Current Stage of the Project
Spoiler - click to reveal
The upper part of the island will be filled by higher class houses and special buildings for example the cathedral, town halls, libraries, arena's and more. The lower part of the island will be for the normal houses, farm houses, quarries, cementery and more normal houses that you can commonly see in a medieval themed project. And the old town will be like a tribe that is not connected with the city. 





Planning Stage
Spoiler - click to reveal
White Circle - the old Town of Gawayne
Red Lines - will be the new city
Brown Lines - elevated areas and will be some sort of a cliff to make the place higher and more isolated than the others.
Yellow Line - the City Hall, Cathedral and more essentials to a City.
Ports will be also included at the outskirts of the Red Line.
P.S The town will also have a facelift, the walls will be removed and will make the town bigger and more expansive just below the brown lines.

     After months of inactivity in Minecraft, I decided to make a comeback by doing a Medieval/Nordic Themed Town. 
The town is currently finished and I decided to make this map and expansive world by adding more villages, settlements, and lots more.

Mods used : Optifine, Single Player Commands, Chunky Map Renderer.
Texture Pack : John's Smith JSC Pack
Inspirations from : jamziboy, Madnes64, JeraCraft.
Also check it out here : http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/show-your-creation/screenshots/2124709-nordic-city-of-gawayne-wip

Special thanks to : * Chunky Map Renderer
                                  *  wolftheninja for the beautiful tree -> http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/beautiful-tree-pack/
You liked it? Give it a diamond. It helps me alot :)
Thanks for viewing. Suggestions, Comments and Criticism are accepted.

Progress50% complete

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by ZxylBasilio 08/08/2014 9:36:54 amAug 8th, 2014

UPDATE 8 : It's very hard to keep this project still running due to my studies. Even my weekends are spent for learning and what not. But I'm still trying to build some buildings just to keep this alive. I really want to finish this project even though it's hard. So yeah. Check out the Current stage of the build for the pictures! :)


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08/14/2014 5:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
_Codename_V's Avatar
Epic builds Kylb! Btw, its me, V
08/14/2014 7:13 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
ZxylBasilio's Avatar
Oh dude! Good to see you :) Thanks btw :D
08/08/2014 9:53 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Efcluke94's Avatar
Looking very promising. Awesome job, diamond4u
08/09/2014 3:55 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
ZxylBasilio's Avatar
Thanks alot! :)
07/25/2014 2:31 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Ninja
wolftheninja's Avatar
Hows the project coming?
07/26/2014 10:07 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
ZxylBasilio's Avatar
Sorry, for not updating for a long time, been busy on college lately. I've done a little bit of editing on the terrain and just planned out what i would do to the project :)
07/16/2014 3:41 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
mdhough1965's Avatar
The profile pic is scary >_<
07/17/2014 12:09 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
ZxylBasilio's Avatar
lol, that's my trademark.
07/18/2014 5:43 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
mdhough1965's Avatar
You... Are jeff the killer. O_O Gimme an autograph. xD
07/19/2014 8:20 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
ZxylBasilio's Avatar
Wait, let me kill a baby and get some blood. I ran out of red ink.
