Published Feb 25th, 2012, 2/25/12 11:48 am
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"Mine Wars Collection Edition Two" with all my Mine Wars-Creations as a schematic and a world save file! and as always feel free to use it anyway you want for your server or own personal use just give me credit thanks all.
Somewhere in space this may all be happening right now, Bad Breaker and UberDarKnight the man who brought you The Lich King now bring you adventure not like anything on your planet ....Mine Wars Edition Two....this summer, okay okay I'll stop :P what's going on everybody it's been a long time, for me at least today I bring you mine wars edition two, which some of you may know of as Bad Breaker project sadly he's stopped all his projects on minecraft, being a fan of his work and star wars I asked him if it was cool to take over and make more Mine Wars projects, and he said yes so here we are every project you see is made by me not him just making that clear.
Optimized for "Mine Wars"-Texture Pack -
May look weird with different Texture Pack!
Included ships are:
TIE-Fighter : all the TIE's have been completely redone to make them more proper scale and to give them interiors.
TIE-Advanced x1 : or Darth Vadero s TIE.
A-Wing : full interior
B-Wing : full interior
Y-Wing : full interior
slave 1 : this includes both a flying and landed does not have interior unfortunately.
Jabbas Sail Barge : full interior
Millenium Falcon-Big : includes both a flying and landed full interior
As well as one statue of Darth Vader.
and may the force be with you!
Q-A section. before anyone asks
Q: how do you know Bad Breaker do you know him well and why did you want to continue this project ?
A: No I've never even talk to him outside of a few messages, Io m just someone that loved his projects I'd hate to see them be buried.
Q: are you going to continue the Death Star Project by Bad Breaker ?
A: Yes I am planning on finishing it for Edition Three, but I'm not sure when and not soon.
Q: are you going to continue Battle For Hoth by Bad Breaker ?
A: As of right now no he never released the map but that's okay I wouldn't have the time.
Q: last question are you going to continue the Mine Wars 2.0 Alpha texture pack?
A: No I'm not a texture pack maker or a skin maker really although I'm sure if someone wants to continue he would be cool with it but I would ask him first.
Credit | Big thanks to Bad Breaker he was truly an inspiration to me you can see his work at |
Progress | 100% complete |
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