Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Mineclash | Map by j03ri | v.3.0 | 17w15a

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Level 48 : Master Wizard
It's Easter this weekend!
Time for a new Mineclash!
It's based on the game Mineclash by StacyPlays and Graser10.

SERVER DOWNLOAD: http://bit.ly/2ozSb7Y
Thanks to TerrainControl for making the awesome custom biomes and structures!

This is how it works:
The goal of the game is to collect 5 different items,
in this case 3 items and 2 mobs. Bring those collectibles to spawn and win!

You will be put into a team with a color, once the game starts.
This time, it's pink or blue.

Once you collected an item or a mob,
go to spawn and throw/bring it on to your platform so you get the point
You will hear a sound when you collected something.
Once all 5 items are collected, the game ends and a winner has been chosen!

In order to start the game,
just press the button on the green island.

Special Features:
- This map is made in the latest snapshot at the point of release,
this means that there is a possibility of bugs.

- Spawn Coordinates are shown in the action bar, so as your team color.

- You are provided with a Iron Tools (Stone Pickaxe), Night Vision, and Carrots.

- Biomes are modified, so new Trees and new additional structures.

- Custom textures and models are present!
Please use a resourcepack to know what items and blocks really are.

- Play v.3.0 on 17w15a.

- You can set keepInventory to false if you like. (Default = false)

- 1.9 combat has been disabled! You can spam your sword!

- Do not cheat. (This may break the game.)

- The Blue Egg can be crafted like this:
Mineclash | Map by j03ri | v.3.0 | 17w15a Minecraft Map + Mineclash | Map by j03ri | v.3.0 | 17w15a Minecraft Map + Mineclash | Map by j03ri | v.3.0 | 17w15a Minecraft Map =
- The Red Egg can be crafted like this:
+ + =
(The Red and Blue Egg can be crafted by throwing the ingredients on the ground.

- Parrots can be found in the Jungle and can be tamed with cookies.

- Chicks are found all around the map, they lost their mother.. maybe you can take care of them.

- The Easter Egg can be obtained by trading with the Easter Bunny:

+ =
(The pink and blue terracotta can be found on top of this mountain.)

CreditKhoorn, rutgerkok, Timethor, Cayorion + more... (TerrainControl)
Progress100% complete

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