Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Advent(ure) Calendar 2016 - Christmas Adventure Map - 5.0

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Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
Release 5.0
-Added the last puzzle;
-Fixed bugs;
-Added safety measures.

-4 new puzzles;
-Fixed bugs.

-6 new puzzles;
-Changed redstone for puzzles 7, 8, 11 to stop possible bugs;
-Safety systems added for possible bugs;
-Minor bugs fixed.

-6 new puzzles;
-Fixed multiplayer bugs: until the map is started, players will be teleported to Start and messages now works for everyone;
-Day cycle is now on;
-Returning to a completed puzzle and pressing again the pumpkin will send the player to the calendar;
-Safety measures added;
-Other minor bugs.

-6 puzzles;
-6 villager to rescue;
-multiplayer friendly.

Map Plan

This map is an ongoing project that I started after Halloween. It's a classic advent calendar where, each day, the player have to accomplish a task. Other than this, the map has a central hub, the city, where you talk to the people you have saved by completing the puzzles, in a story that involves completing every puzzle in order to access the peak of the main mountain. Because of the limited time, the puzzles are really simple and with very few redstone, but the depht of some parts could be improved if I have enough time.

The map will work in this way: in every version you have 6 puzzles you can complete, while new releases will follow: in this way, I have time to complete the map, while players won't be able to play the map too much in advance, like an advent calendar should be. The dates of next releases aren't set, because it will depend on how much I'm quick, but you should be expecting a new verson every 6 days, as it should be if I want to be on time.

Each day of december, I will post the solution for the puzzle, in case you can't complete it.

Hopefully you will support this map. It takes a long time to make these project: if you like it, share it around and comment with your feedbacks. Follow my twitter and my youtube channel for future updates!

-24 levels on different kinds of puzzle;
-a central hub;
-a simple and silly story;
-a mountain to climb
Progress100% complete

10 Update Logs

The END : by Pmk 12/24/2016 5:52:29 pmDec 24th, 2016

The Map Is finished! I hope you won't find any bug!

Happy Christmas, everybody!!

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12/07/2024 12:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hi, can you please get this map for me if this possible, want to get christmas mood :)
12/07/2024 6:12 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
Beware that the map was rushed a bit, so you might encounter a few bugs, some of which you can learn about in the other comments on this page. Don't be afraid to use creative mode, if you must!

(also, you sure gave me a lot diamonds, even a favorite on The power of the Pumpkin, which is surprising. Thanks for that!)
12/08/2024 8:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
yeah was little bit broken, but still great map, a lot of cool ideas
01/10/2017 1:38 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
I think we are on Day 19 (the second arrow level) and with 3 players on the small platform we managed to get the 15 points but nothing happened and we are stuck on the mountain. We can only tp to other worlds, can not tp or go into another gamemode to untrap ourselves on this map. I really want to finish this map as we have really enjoyed it so far. Thanks again, and hope we can leave this mountain soon. <3
01/10/2017 8:53 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
Try switching for a bit to single player. If it doesn't work, I can help you further, but that should fix it.
12/20/2016 3:13 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Modder
Hm, If you want to remove the 'Creative, CHEATS' thing on the world load menu, get NBT editor and edit it, you can also color the map name which would look very very nice.

Take care.
12/20/2016 4:07 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
I know those tricks, but I usually do it for fully completed maps, not like this one.
12/08/2016 11:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
We were playing day 8 (with the elytra wings) and when we finally finished it it tp'd us both to the spawn point and is spamming our chat with "Cannot land here". I've tried tp'ing, restarting the server, removing the spawn and the command blocks, even disabling command blocks. Nothing is working, do you have a fix? If not can you implement one for future players? I'm about to delete it from my server.

YouTube Vid of it happening
12/09/2016 2:59 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
Oh, wow... You also found that bug. Only one another person found that bug so far and it seems to be a problem of Minecraft with tripwires: in that puzzle, you can stand only on tripwire (it's used to stop the player from walking on the land), so, if you're on the ground and not on a tripwire, you get teleported back.

Now, for no reason, your Minecraft despawned all the tripwire: it's similar to an old bug where you could despawn armorstands and itemframes by unloading the chunk.

That said, you can fix it by placing tripwire under your feet: use /setblock ~ ~ ~ tripwire. After that, simply go in creative and place it by hand on the starting platform (and probably also on the final one)
12/06/2016 12:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
My friend and I were playing on the second level when we found this. It's a 1x1 hole at x: 41 , z: 71 (looks like this from bottom and this from the top), I wanted to let you know!
