Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Minecraft Anno 1404

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Miner
Minecraft Anno1404

Attention! Huge Project!^^

This Project was planed as a Public Server but it was to support intendive to realise it.
So i like to share this huge project with you.
It is the whole Anno1404 world (who dont know the Game:)

with exception of the oriental buildings (maybe they´ll follow).
Its all in a 5x5-Block system built wich allows you to create your own Anno1404 world just using World-Edit or MC Edit.

I dont know how long i build this project, the first part of it (the kathedral) is know more than 2 years old.

You´ll find also a game-prinzip for the server wich contains specific Anno1404 Items and a trade-balancing with gold. With this its possible to "play" Anno1404 in MC by using this system and play throught the different timelines of Anno1404.

The description of the buildings are in german but i guess its easy to translate for you.

You´ll need this custom resourcepack to use all funktions of this map:

This pack includes custom sounds wich you´ll find in the map in different buildings, for example:

  • lighthouse
  • forge
  • kathedral
  • tavern

and many more buildings.

Alltogether there are over 100! buildings and dekorations in this map!

The both packs which I have combined are:

I hope you´ll enjoy this amazing project and build your own Anno1404 World! Have fun!
Progress100% complete

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10/31/2019 6:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi your download link is down could you upload it again?
05/20/2017 10:02 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
I wanted to make this myself but never had the time to do it.
Will download this later, thanks
