Minecraft Maps / Other

Minecraft MiniGame: Hide and Seek!

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  • 368 downloads, 0 today
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Level 21 : Expert Mage
No breaking blocks!
Obey all signs!

How to install (Singleplayer):

1: Download the world.

2: Open the zip.

3: Copy the folder in the zip into your saves folder. Windows: Goto your start menu and type %appdata%/.minecraft/saves then press enter. Linux: Go into your home folder and press CTRL+H. Then go into your .minecraft folder, then saves, then copy in the folder from the zip. Mac OSX: I only have the path for Max OSX. Sorry! Path: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft

4: Start Minecraft and look for the world in your list of worlds!

5: After you find it double click it!

6: Enjoy! :D

Support (Not required):

The only support I really need right now is for you guys to spread the word about this MiniGame (Tweet Subscrible on PMC and Like) and join my Minecraft server if you would like (Not required at all). My server's IP is bravocraft.exodushosting.net You could even subscribe to me on YouTube if you really want to! ( youtube.com/user/TomhawkGaming13 and/or youtube.com/Tomahawk2001913 )
Progress100% complete

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09/02/2013 12:04 am
Level 37 : Artisan Robot
Your server has the worst staff and players on it! Today I raided someone, I come online later, only to see an admin giving them full diamond armor and tools. They try to kill me but I escaped, I relogged and saw that they built a lava pool around me. I type in /f home as fast as I can and get there. Then the the admin (lazygio) takes my base and moves it close to spawn, also causing me to lose most of my items. He doesn't say sorry or helps me, he just said I copied everything. And I will now never come on this horrible server ever again. I raided this person legitly and the admin just helped them just to kill me. Also did I mention he was using /vanish the whole time! Have fun running a horrible server! By the way this is not the first time the staff has treated me bad, it has happened over 5 times.
ICV miner
07/13/2013 10:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
