Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Minecraft Modern City - Seaside City

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Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Welcome to Seaside City, one of the largest modern cities in BDW! Seaside City was originally built over 5 years ago and even back then it was a large city however if you watch the video you will see how outdated it looked so I decided to revamp the city! Today Seaside City has several skyscrapers, a massive soccer stadium, a concert hall, several beach houses, a crane and construction crew building a new skyscraper, and so much more! There are several districts in Seaside City with the main district being downtown. The downtown district has most of the skyscrapers and shops, and also the stadium. There is also the beach district which has a Ferris Wheel, several beach houses, a lighthouse, and more! Finally, there is the suburban area which includes more regular houses and some stores like Walmart. The roads in Seaside City connect to Coastal City, Luxor, and Texaco!

To download the map follow these simple steps...

1. Sign up for my Patreon (You will need at least the Builders Tier, the starter tier does not give you access to this city.)
2. Click on the pinned post on my Patreon page or click collections, click Blocky Duck's World Downloads, and click on the post to download the most up-to-date version for both Java & Bedrock.
3. Download the BDW North file.

This map is a city located inside Blocky Duck's World. When you download the map the map will download as Blocky Duck's World. Once inside the world, head over to the coordinates book and teleport to the coordinates of the city.
Progress100% complete

10 Update Logs

Update #10 : by BlockyDuck 12/03/2024 9:28:51 amDec 3rd

updated the landscaping around the edge of the city

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04/01/2024 11:22 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
bro this is so good, you are the best but the stadium doesnt really fit in
