Minecraft Maps / Other

Minecraft Version Changer [MVC] UPDATED LINK :D

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Level 43 : Master Enderdragon
Here is the MVC [minecraft version changer]
Please watch the video and have a look at it
You will ned winrar
Also If you have time please check out my channel and subscribe and visit my website
Diamonds appricated ;]
channel: www.youtube.com/iiMIles5112
Website iimiles5112web.wordpress.com/
MVC: www.mediafire.com/?lnkjb856t93z807
BE AWARE The changer is made with polish wirting so when you finsihed changing it will come up with a tick and will be polish writing BUT NOT THE VERSION :D
unfortunetly I dont think I found the survival test jars ;/
Progress100% complete

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11/25/2012 3:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
isan't really a project as such

also theres tons of these already out there, nbtedit is the best and includes everything. try and invent something original. also ik this dosent really matter but "runescape" as a tag? runescape has nothing to do with this. runescape is a trademarked game and i suggest unless its related to runescape you dont use it.
11/25/2012 4:45 pm
Level 43 : Master Enderdragon
Thanks for your opinnion and constructive critisciscm
