Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Mineopolis International Airport | Mineopolis and the Countryside

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Level 65 : High Grandmaster Sus
Airport Location in the map
Terminal 1
-3168 82 -4571
Terminal 2 -3989 81 -2830
Terminal 3 4640 66 -4889
Cargo Terminal -5846 79 -2860

About the Airport
The airport is made up of two 4KM long runways, 3 Passenger Terminals and 1 Cargo Terminal. The terminals are built in a style of the era they are meant to be built in. Terminal 1 is a 1970s style building. Terminal 2 is a 1980s style building and finally Terminal 3 has a 2000s style building and the Cargo Terminal is 1980s style. There is a 2000s style control tower just west of Terminal 1. Also, there is an abandoned control tower and there are five Helipads next to Terminal 1. To the far west of the airport, there are nine airline hangers with one of them having two planes inside.

There are 5 Easter eggs throughout the airport. One in Terminal 1, one in Terminal 3A one in Terminal 3B and one in Terminal 3C.

All the Terminals have a full interior and are as realistic as I could make them. They are all realistically sized to suite the amount of 1.5:1 scale planes that are at the gates.

About the City Map
This map is my Mineopolis and the Countryside project, a large realistic modern city with surrounding villages and countryside. The city is made up of different styles depending on the era the areas are meant to be built in. This airport is location to the North-West of Mineopolis and is connected to the city via a motorway.
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Minenitrogue 08/05/2020 9:32:50 amAug 5th, 2020

Terminal 1
  - Replaced the Departures/Arrivals Loop Road around the entrance of Terminal 1
  - Replaced Motorway Interchange serving Terminal 1
  - Train Station for Terminal 1 has new entrance
  - Added new Multistory Car Parks for Terminal 1
  - Improved Departures Entrance
  - Added 415 Room Hotel on top of Terminal Roof
  - Expanded Glass Arched Roof in Departure Lounge
  - One of the Concourses has been reshaped
  - Better Lighting throughout the Terminal
  - Redesigned Baggage Reclaim Hall
  - Modified Glass Roof in Check-In Hall
  - Added 4 Floor Office Building on top of Terminal Roof

Terminal 2
  - Redesigned Baggage Reclaim Hall
  - Better Lighting throughout the Terminal
  - Replaced Loop Road around entrance

Control Tower
  - Control Tower now has new building at its base
  - Control Tower now has new interior and modified top

- Removed Pavement from sections of the Perimeter Road

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11/13/2020 1:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I would LOVE a direct download for the airport since it looks so nice but I don't want to have a 5GB map since my laptop isn't that great.
08/28/2020 9:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can I use mods and replace the airplanes? Its just for personal use (yours are amazing though)
06/17/2020 8:40 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
can you give a driect download instead of a 4gb map download so i can only just view the airport
08/02/2018 5:39 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
This project is literally awesome. It’s definitely one of the best airports I’ve seen on PMC. There aren’t many airports in Minecraft of this size. The aircrafts are especially well done, which is very often not the case on PMC. That’s brilliant.
Maybe sone details could be added though, such as details on the roof (like those you’ve started), ect...
