Minecraft Maps / Complex

Ministry of Defence

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HeliopolisCity's Avatar HeliopolisCity
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Professor
For my submission number 60 i decided to publish this giant palace still uncomplete based on a real existing building , the russian ministry of defence situated in Moscow city builded in soviet era , in Heliopolis city the building is located in the rationalistic district distinct to expreme various stiles of architecture typical of WW2 period and cold war , in this case there was a big lot remained free in north Heliopolis , it was also a very important lot because it was exposed directly in Duomo square the most big and important square of Heliopolis center (the main island surrounded by lake ) , it was necessary a monumental architecture also because Heliopolis need a ministry of defence , i opted for something that claim to cold war time and i choice after a selection the russian federacion ministry of defence building , the building is uncomplete almost 50% , all the interior are missing but for this building i dont plan to do interiors i want to dedicate alll the time to exteriors , for now im serching of ideas to complete the building that anyway even now is nice , if anyone has an advice to complete this building please whrite a cooment :) , actually the building is situated above a podium in the middle of this podium there is a gallery that permit to pass under the building , actually are two specular faciades that create a create court in the middle of the building , is possible to see it by the pictures above , in the past i plan to build a greek temple( Concordia greek temple the biggest greek temple of the world located in Sicily in the valley of the temples park Agrigento) inside the central square but now i understund i dont have the time and the space , all what i need is to break this mirror effect of the buiulding and to add nice elements of soviet distopian architecture something like the seven sisters towers in moscow for example can be a good ispiration . sure i do more update in the future i try also to complete the palace .

size of the schematic : 417x273x152 blocks

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all credits HeliopolisCity

addictional credit CH3O2 treepack

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