Minecraft Maps / Complex

Mohotzgui's Tester Map

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Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
Build Description: I decided to make a tester may, to test mods and resource packs with. Though not meant as a play map it is full of things to do and explore. It has all the elements of a minecraft in a small 3 zone map. I only used some fairy lights on the bridges and if you don't have that mod it realty wont affect anything. There is lot to see so enjoy. I suggest Optifine for the connected textures but other than that, Vanilla is fine. Some things may look different than in mine as I am using a personal resource pack, I may make a core pack with only certain elements in it. I am almost done with the map and then I will upload it.

Influenced by ThatsLiian's Map. Show some love.

If you like it please hint me up with a Diamond and a Favorite. There are more to come so don't forget to subscribe. Minecraft is the Legos that you won't step on at night!

Resource Pack and Version Information MC Version: 1.16.5

Texture pack: A persona mess of many sources and added packs

Tools used in creation: None, all by hand now.

Mods (With visual aspects): Forge, Optifine, Fairylights

Please note that there are many mods in my builds (not this one), most with HD texture changes. I like the designs and try to make the textures match across the mods and resource pack I use.

Player Skin: Mohotzgui
World: Texture Tester
Seed: Void

Suggestions for enhanced gameplay: because I use lots of fire for lighting and it isn’t always on a block that burns, and if you dont want lots of things burning down before you explore them, use the following commands as soon as you get into the game:
“/gamerule mobGriefing false”
“/gamerule doFireTick false”
“/gamerule doMobSpawning false”

The Fine Print I give everyone permission to use any of my builds for whatever purpose as long as:
1. You do not claim the original or edited versions as your own.
2. If you re-upload anything you must link back to the original.
3. If you download it, give a Diamond, if you love it please come back and favorite it and give a shout out. I love the feedback.
4. If you use part in your world, or server please let me know how you are using it.
5. If you're making any sort of monetary profit off of them I want my cut.

[/url][/center]Creative Commons License

This work by Mohotzgui is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Progress100% complete

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12/17/2021 10:16 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
Do you want this one version specifically or do you want Version 2 that is now 1.17.1. It is really bigger with the new blocks and lots of mini builds in it. I put the Balloon House, Broken tower, a ship, and lots more in it. I was going to make another submission for it, I just haven't done screen shots yet.
12/05/2021 9:05 am
Level 31 : Artisan Loremaster
Is there a possibility to download this map?
12/15/2021 11:17 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
Short answer is yes. Its about a gig or so and I need to find a file Host. Any suggestions.
12/17/2021 4:43 am
Level 31 : Artisan Loremaster
i use my own dropbox to provide my files, there is enough space to even share 1GB files
