Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure


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Madmacattack's Avatar Madmacattack
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Hello people, I have made a map! This is the first map I have ever uploaded, and I might make a sequel to it. The map itself is pretty good, there may be some bugs but just comment about them (I guess).
I made this map because no other Mortal Kombat map did it for me, and then like a 4 months later I made this (with some help).
I say 95% because it is not truly done yet, like its missing some maps, you can only Vs other players, and the arcade tower was a flop...
Finally, the characters are themed as the Mortal Kombat 9 versions (because thats how long I have had this thing sitting around), not the MKX. I may make an MKX themed one, but who knows.
Now please enjoy the map, and have fun (also kill all your friends)!

Check Update Logs for... well, Updates, I guess...
Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

New Project : by Madmacattack 12/17/2015 9:13:47 amDec 17th, 2015

So, with the success (As I say) of this project/map, I have decided to make a Sequel, based off of Mortal Kombat X!
With that being said, that also means this project/map has been "discontinued", so no more updates.
Now, The "Mortal Kombat X, IN MINECRAFT WHOAAAA" will be made using 1.9, AKA, the C(K)ombat Update. So expect the map to come out some point after 1.9 comes out, Enjoy!

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05/13/2015 8:51 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Notch275's Avatar
i hope you dont make a sequal cause this was kinda bad
07/25/2015 12:47 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Notch275's Avatar
im sorry but it looks nothing like mortal kombat
05/15/2015 11:32 am
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Madmacattack's Avatar
*Sequel, and could you elaborate why you think its bad?
05/12/2015 9:55 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Madmacattack's Avatar
Yeah, uh... About that update... I have postponed the update due to "real life" work and all that stuff. So expect the final update about next month (hopefully).
05/07/2015 6:23 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Sterman00985's Avatar
A great game in a great game... Good job XD
05/07/2015 5:44 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
philips99's Avatar
Cool idea. I never played Mortal Kombat 9 (just Mortal Kombat Armaggedon, my favortie MK :P) And follow mysteryguy3039's suggestions, the map will look even better
05/06/2015 8:53 pm
Level 20 : Expert Zombie
mysteryguy3039's Avatar
Really cool map, but with a few flaws.
I think these things wiill improve the map:
  • Spawning inside the building. Currently, the maps spawns you on the roof of the main room (right in the lava) It is possible to either change the world spawn or make a platform that people can spawn on. (I would just change the spawn point)
  • People get class items through dispensers rather than chests. Instead of chests, there should be pressure plates that teleport you to dispensers which fire out the armor/ supplies that class gets. It would be easier for the user and would allow more supplies for more class changes.
  • Clear inventory and potion effects whenever someone dies/changes class/presses winners button. This would prevent people from keeping stuff from other classes.

  • KeepInventory should be on. Leaving it off would let items idle on the map and be used for next fight. It also makes it easier to clear inventories of those who died.

Implementing these suggestions would give this map a 10/10 in my book. The maps are cool and varied, the parkour to unlock a new character, and the easter-egg character (who i'm still looking for) keeps me playing. I hope you consider making these changes in the next update and to see a MKX in the near future!
05/07/2015 2:48 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Madmacattack's Avatar
Wow, thank you a lot, I never expected the map to turn out to be liked so much! I will most likely add the changes in (The spawn room one will be done though, I had no idea.) and also I added a button in the new update that allows keep inventory and Mob Grief false. Thank you for writing this review, so I can now add more and better content in the future!
05/03/2015 10:51 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Madmacattack's Avatar
If you want anything new for the map, please comment and I (most likely) will add it in!
The Konquest Mode is going slow right now, so the update for it will be a bit far from now... :(
04/25/2015 4:37 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Awesome idea!  ;)
