Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Multifloor Piston Elevator Design Small and Cheap

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Level 32 : Artisan System
Hey guys,

someone suggested i put my elevator up here in the projects section. I have a few designs but my latest one allows for multiple floors and i think its a pretty fresh new way to do it! its very small for a multifloor elevator and i am really happy with the result, still more work to do to streamline it. But take a look and tell me what you think.

Check me out at all these places! 
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►MC Forums: http://www.minecraftforum.net/members/Morezy 
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►Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MorezysMinecraft
Progress95% complete

5 Update Logs

Design Tweek : by Morezysminecraft 08/11/2014 5:48:45 amAug 11th, 2014

Some issues arose with the world download and it was behaing inconsistenly i have re uploaded the world file with some minor modifications, the elevator should now work from 1.7.2 upwards.

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05/01/2014 8:14 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
Redstone is so far beyond me. How did you get started with it? How did you learn more?
05/29/2014 6:11 pm
Level 32 : Artisan System
well i started with redstone right at the start of minecraft i guess, i kept getting all this redstone when i was mining and i didnt now what it was for at first then i saw in someones video on youtube that it was like wiring. i just watched a couple of videos to get the basics down, once you understand what it can and cant do you can begin to design machines! it would only take you a couple weeks to get all the secrets down pat! Have a go :) ps sorry for the late reply i didnt see it! :(
04/04/2014 11:09 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
It is good to see you try to improve yourself on your elevators.

I took a look at your youtube profile and saw some other builds like the nether short transport system.
Why don't post these as while here as a project?
04/08/2014 1:26 am
Level 32 : Artisan System
Thanks mate! i am always looking to improve! yeh i really liked the nether portal system, its kinda not my idea though i guess i jsut modified it for a different use. But maybe i will do that! thanks for all your advice!
04/08/2014 6:06 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
''Not my idea'' As long it has enough stuff of your own I don't see the problem. I mean every redstone contraption uses basic gates like inverters & others. The results are reachable by countless ways like the elevators.

Besides with a quick look, of the nether transport. I see you're being honest by ''inpspired by etho'' which is nice to read.
04/03/2014 12:57 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Architect
thats really nice
04/03/2014 7:03 pm
Level 32 : Artisan System
Thanks mate! I will have a new video of a different version up soon! :)
04/04/2014 12:32 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Architect
cool :-)
03/28/2014 5:14 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
I am glad you toke my suggestion.
So here is the diamond, subscription and favorite.

One last thing:
Could you put up a world file? I am curious as a fellow redstoner to see the brains of it since it was different than I expected. Besides a good look on the trunk wiring at my own speed is also usefull.

Nice cover up of the elevators, they already show more detail than other builds around the site.
03/29/2014 4:38 am
Level 32 : Artisan System
Thanks mate! Yeh i need to clean up the 'brain' abit more before i put up a world file, but i will be happy to do that! i also have some more ideas about faster floor mechanisms.!

Also Thanks for the great comments!
