Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

New Hope (New LLR City)

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Level 24 : Expert Architect
New Hope (New LLR City) by llr1234567890 + others
This is a former server world that has been adopted for single player use, and has become a composition of builds that I have done (across multiple servers and single player worlds) over more than 4 years of playing Minecraft.
I started playing minecraft in May of 2012, and created a world called "Hope to not spawn in snow", since my first world ever created put me right in the middle of a taiga biome. This new world spawned me in a forest, with two mountains in the distance. Those two mountains became home to my first house, and first couple of builds, while the area north of the mountains became multiple small villages/cities, spanning from 2012 to late 2014. During that time period, I had joined a server operated by close friends mikegamerman1997 and 3200k called "Building Universe" and with the newley discovered worldedit, created what I called "LLR City". This was a small city with a handful of buildings, all of which were lost when the server world was changed. In 2014 I joined a server created by another friend, kuller1999, called "PrimalCraft", and thus created "New LLR City", in tribute to the old. I spend many hours creating a city (still available on the PrimalCraft server), at the time the largest and most ambitions city I had ever built. Several months later a new owner came on, and to sum up in a few words, I was kicked out of the server. I used a friend's account to download the world, and created it into a single player world where I could build on. One year after that, we have the world seen here.
New LLR City is the largest of 5 "city-states" I built within the world. The city is divided into several boroughs, downtown (which is ironically the northernmost part), updown (the southernmost part), government center, the annex (newest portion of the city), and a suburb area. Over time I have built many new structures in the city, replacing older ones, and pushed the borders far beyond the original size (originally marked by a tremendous wall). I also, using the powers of worldedit and bukkit servers, transferred all of the structured from my previous worlds/servers that I felt were important into this world, creating a collaboration of builds stretching back to the original two mountains I encountered in May of 2012.
Being a former server world, there are some people who deserve credit for building structures that are still present (and some that no longer exist in this version), as well as people who I feel deserve an honorable mention:
3200k, mikegamerman1997 - owners of the former "Building Universe" server, and still close friends
kuller1999 - former owner of PrimalCraft, and friend
HackmanPacman - fellow builder on PrimalCraft, several buildings of his still dot the city
sparker167 - friend who lent me account to help retreive the world

Any other building in this world (I must admit I do not know all of them) is the intellectual property of he who created it. I do not take credit for everything in this world. While the world itself is large, my mark is contained to the area indicated on the map.

All these people are shown in a display case in the lobby of the "UFR Administration Building", a large quartz, orange glass building located in Government Center (you literally cannot miss it).
In June of 2016, the world was renamed "New Hope" in tribute to "Hope to not spawn in snow".
This is a modded world. This world can be played just fine (most likely) without forge/mods, but many details and furnishings were created using forge mods.
This world is a compilation of my builds (and some others'). I know I am not the best builder, but I do take pride in some of the creations in this world. You may use this world for anything you may wish, and may use any buildings for anything you wish. I only ask that if any of the uses are public (ie non-private servers, public worlds), that you give credit where credit is due.

Development of this world stopped in April, 2017. The version available for download here is the final version.
Creditmikegamerman1997, 3200k, kuller1999, hackmanpacman
Progress100% complete

9 Update Logs

Update #9 FINAL : by llr1234567890 04/24/2017 1:10:00 pmApr 24th, 2017

This is the final version of this world.
A new world, called Terra Prime, has been created. Most of the structures from this world have been ported to it, and all future building will take place there.

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03/21/2019 4:32 am
It/It • Level 1 : New System
What Mods do you need?
11/27/2015 10:13 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Really amazing work. Keep it up.
11/03/2015 10:31 pm
Level 83 : Elite Artist
Wow, that's got to be one of the best cities I have ever seen. :D
11/03/2015 9:15 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
The government center reminds me allot of the Palast der Republik.
11/03/2015 9:17 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
YES! It is one of my favorite examples of civic architecture, and what the exterior (and parts of the interior) is based on.
10/30/2015 10:57 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Really does look amazing, good job to you and your mates :>
10/30/2015 10:06 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Incredible work!
10/30/2015 9:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey, Can you have a download for ALL of the mods togeather? Also, can we go inside the buildings?
10/30/2015 9:38 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
I will see about the mods, it might be a little tricky because not all mod creators allow distribution of their mods (even in private mod packs). I do not make shells of buildings or solid buildings, that idea peaves me, every building has an interior, although it may not be furnished!
10/30/2015 9:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Thanks for such a fast reply. Also, I don't download maps where buildings are solid. They need to be more real like you said. Thanks man.
