Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Omaha Beach - Dog Green Sector, Draw D-1 WN 71 & 72 (near Vierville-Sur-Mer)

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ACLL1234's Avatar ACLL1234
Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
Omaha Beach – Dog 1 Exit, Dog Green sector, Vierville-sur-Mer, Normandy.

WN or Widerstandsnest 72 is part of the Atlantic Wall. Together with WN 71 and WN 73 it guarded the Dog-1 exit towards Vierville-sur-mer. They were built in 1943-44 . These three German Widerstandsneste are situated in the Dog Green sector which saw some of the heaviest fighting in the morning of june 6, 1944. WN72 was the most formidable of the three; a H-667 type casemates (nowadays with the National Guard monument on top of it) housed a formidable 88 mm. PAK43 gun. (It’s still there) and dominated the beach . To it’s right is a second casemate which housed a 50mm. gun and a small Renault FT tank turret . Both casemates were guarded from fire from the sea and have gun positions enfilading the beach, their muzzle flashes not visible from the sea. In june 1944 these bunkers were protected by barbed wire, minefields and trenches. The hill behind also had several strongpoints of WN 71. An observation post was situated just below the bungalow halfway up the hill and nine MG positions , two mortar positions and a light fieldgun were on top of the bluffs over a stretch of some 200 metres. To top it off an anti-tank wall 2 metres high was erected between the (left) bunker and the road to block any vehicle. To the east WN73 dominated the bluffs overlooking both Charlie and Dog Green sectors, also with 50mm guns and MG and mortar positions.

Map Description:

A 1:1 Realistic Remake of the D-1 Draw at Dog Green Sector in Omaha Beach, D Day. The CTB Machinima team has recreated the town of Vierville-Sur-Mer (Vierville by the sea, WN 71 and 72, The landing beaches, and the Church of Vierville, as well as a fictional supply camp. Apart from the supply camp, the map is 100% historically accurate.



The map uses the following mods:

Call to Battle 2: https://ctb2.com/download

Warfare 44

Flans Mod Ultimate

Invention (included in w44 and FMU package)

The Map Will Not work without these mods.

Many Thanks to:

Jerico_1009 (houses and NPC)
Angryloyer (Vierville town, German defenses, hedgerows)
Garfield (bunkers and houses)
Connorthebest (details)

CreditJerico_1009, AngryLoyer, connorthebest, Ricarfield
Progress70% complete

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07/20/2020 2:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Pandamoniumness's Avatar
Where can i find blockfront for 1.7.10? I don't think there is anywhere it is still downloadable because scotteh's world war 2 modpack doesn't work anymore and I cant find anywhere online where I could download the right version because Scotteh does battlefront for 1.16 now.
04/02/2020 9:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MoutainChicken's Avatar
For my life i've been weirdly obsessed with this beach and this particular part, i've looked at the images and im downloading, it looks like one of the most realistic ones ive seen, could I contact you on discord about something? If you have it of course.
04/12/2020 8:25 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
ACLL1234's Avatar
Of course, sorry about the late response, i'm ACLL#9980
02/02/2020 9:24 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
xstar1234's Avatar
can't find blockfront literally anywhere, can i get a link please? in love with this map even without it
04/12/2020 8:25 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
ACLL1234's Avatar
Ah I think you can find it in scotteh's world war 2 modpack on technic, sorry about the late response.
12/01/2019 6:59 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
STEALTHy's Avatar
Awesome work, my friends and I are working on Iwo Jima. Wanna help out?
12/01/2019 7:02 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
ACLL1234's Avatar
Oh, we’re actually making one ourselves :P
I can help if I have time. Got discord?
12/03/2019 5:57 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
STEALTHy's Avatar
Yep. Mine is STEALTHy#3904 https://discord.gg/UtRmY3B
12/02/2019 10:23 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Engineer
Minecreep44's Avatar
hahah nice
11/30/2019 5:19 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Engineer
Minecreep44's Avatar
Cool! Why don't u use MCheli? ;D
