Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

PAYDAY 2-Nightclub (The Tasteful Club) [1.12]

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Level 35 : Artisan Miner
Welcome to the Tasteful Club, fully recreated (club and all side alleys) into Minecraft 1.12. I initially wanted the main focus of this recreation to be of the club itself, but I felt it wouldn't be enough for some of you. So I went out of my way to include all the alleyways, all 3 escape points, and even the background buildings and streets. I'll be honest I enjoyed recreating this map, but felt it was a bit tedious making the buildings outside the map. However I'm happy with the result and hope you are too. Feel free to use this map for PvP or to simply have a look around.

"Oh, and Wolf, stay off the dancefloor!"
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by In10sGamer 06/18/2017 3:06:20 pmJun 18th, 2017

-Added a few little details
-Some small changes

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