Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Pirate Ship: The Goliath

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Level 31 : Artisan Architect
This is my first actual minecraft pirate ship. The Reason I give credit to MrBeasty127 and Sillouete, is because MrBeasty127 helped me by giving me suggestions and guidance throughout this building experience, and his ship guide was where I started, which can be found here:
The Reason I gave credit to Sillouete, is because his walkthrough of a 5th rate frigate guide helped finish the ship, as MrBeasty's guide is currently incomplete, but a good place to start for advice and helpful tips n' tricks. Sillouete's guide can be found here:

Both guides are great and I want to thank both of these ship builders for getting me where I am today.

Anyway, a little about the ship itself: It can be considered a low-class 4th rate ship, as it has 54 broadside cannons in total, 4 Mortars in total, and 4 swivel guns in total. As the ships Broadsides don't fire at high speeds, it makes up for it with it's devastating swivel guns. The Broadside cannons can fire up to a distance of 100 blocks, and the swivel guns can fire up to 75 blocks. Mortar distance is unknown, but this ship has a deadly weakspot: The TNT Storage.

Anyway, enjoy the ship, but take these notes onboard:

*Always place the schematic where it is facing, as rotating it and such will not change the commands in the command blocks.
**Unless you know how coordanites work in commands, avoid changing the swivel guns.
***The ship has a auto fire switch for the cannons, under the sterns staircase.
****This schematic uses the texture pack, Conquest.
*****Be sure to help me by finding any issues with the ship.
CreditMrBeasty127, Sillouete
Progress100% complete

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06/28/2015 4:41 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Very impressive!  I love the sails!  :D
06/28/2015 10:45 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Why thank you :), sails are such a pain to make and take up like half of your building time, but I like how they turned out.
06/28/2015 4:38 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Magical Girl
Pirate ships wouldn't have HMS because they don't serve the king / queen of England.
06/28/2015 10:47 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Thank you for the information. I'll be sure to take that on board when I'm building my next ship. After all, this was my first pirate ship and it is fictional, but thank you anyway. :)
06/29/2015 2:33 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Magical Girl
Np :)
Mine Maus Craft
06/28/2015 3:25 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Looks good :-)
06/28/2015 10:48 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Thanks :), have a nice day!
