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vegasplaya's Avatar vegasplaya
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
This is my elevator using pistons. Seeing as a piston only pushes upwards one, just one piston wasn't cutting it.

I found a behavior with the pistons where if you are squished between a wall and its head, you are pushed up.
By repeating this vertically (and simultaneously holding space) you can ascend to new heights!

This example is rudimentary and is just meant to show the idea. I didn't try to make it real pretty. Also, the system I used to deliver the delayed power to each piston takes up a bit of room, so despite this working to any height it would take more and more space and repeaters.

Additional Notes

Minecraft Beta 1.7_02
CreditBadcupboard (Test dummy)
Progress100% complete

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07/03/2011 6:00 am
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
BonreoCat's Avatar
this isnot an elevator.an elevator would be if you don't have to do anything at all.push a button and your'e going up.
07/03/2011 2:25 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
vegasplaya's Avatar
I would have to disagree :)

After pulling up the Ol' dictionary and finding the word elevator:


1. a person or thing that elevates or raises.
2. a moving platform or cage for carrying passengers or freigh from one level to another, as in a building
3. any of various mechanical devices for raising objects or materials

While I recognize where you're coming from, its similar to saying that a calculator is not a computer because it isn't sitting on your desktop with a monitor attached.
07/03/2011 2:36 pm
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
BonreoCat's Avatar
who does all this for just a comment?
07/03/2011 2:43 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
vegasplaya's Avatar
Well if going to dictionary.com and typing a word in is "all this", then someone who is defending their position against a person who wrongly accused them of mislabeling their project would do all this.
07/03/2011 2:56 pm
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
BonreoCat's Avatar
You should be a lawyer,and I mean that in a good way!
07/03/2011 3:12 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
vegasplaya's Avatar
Haha! Thank you very much. I do enjoy a good debate now and then.

Btw, I am modifying it so that you don't have to jump. It'll work, it just won't be as pretty.
07/03/2011 7:12 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
gemhunter1's Avatar
yea its true it isnt elevator, but idea is good
