Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Pixelmon Hoenn Battle Frontier

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Hydra12Gauge's Avatar Hydra12Gauge
Level 47 : Master Architect
This is my biggest project atm Still Not Finished but I started on it in Lemuria 5.0 a couple of months ago the Plan was to create the hoenn Battle Frontier In my image lol but there still pretty much alike just slight tweaks in some buildings if you wanna see it visit the ip I posted and use /warp BattleFrontier It would of been done but I was busy with other things I plan on eventually finishing it and posting the Schematic in the mean time Ill just leave you with some pics of it if you can't visit the server :(


If you would Like to help either come to the server and msg me so we can talk about it or add me on skype

Battle Frontier Planned Features
-Battle Pike
-Battle Pyramid
-Battle Arena
-Battle Tower
-Battle Palace
-Battle Factory
-Battle Dome
-Npc Buildings

Update 10/12/15
Project has been lost sadly :(

Update 10/12/15
Working on New Server
Ip: Hydra.apexmc.co

Update 12/19/18
I am currently working on a pixelmon generations server called Lemuria here is our discord if you would like to join it when it is open as I will give updated information Planned Release before 2019


https://discord.gg/QR6CmGX My Personal Discord If you have questions

Progress55% complete

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05/27/2018 8:56 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Hydra12Gauge's Avatar
out of all my projects losing this one made me honestly quit lol a month of work down the drain
06/02/2015 11:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
HarryMecha's Avatar
plz give dnlwd link
05/22/2016 1:35 am
Level 47 : Master Architect
Hydra12Gauge's Avatar
sorry i lost the project :(
11/22/2014 1:55 am
Level 47 : Master Architect
Hydra12Gauge's Avatar
Shouldnt be long lol
11/23/2014 2:06 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pokémon
NGUVince's Avatar
Any word? :D
Also, tried to join your server, said you were 3.3.4 but you guys are on 3.3.3
Might want to fix that :p
Looking forward to the map!
11/21/2014 10:53 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pokémon
NGUVince's Avatar
How goes the map? Looking forward to setting up a lan server with the map for my friends and I to play on :D
