Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Playable Monopoly Board (With Working Dice!)

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TheMarkypizz's Avatar TheMarkypizz
Level 24 : Expert Taco
A playable Monopoly Board for use on your favorite Bukkit server. Requires WorldEdit in order to move the houses in their respective spots when needed. The rules can be shifted to however you'd like, but of course can be played like a regular game of Monopoly, with the exception of the houses, which you can only earn one per property.
On our server, the currency is pork! When you buy a property, it costs 1 pork more than the color before it. So the first color is worth 1, the second is worth 2, and so on. The rent is always half of the price of the property. When you earn a house, which costs the same as the original property, the rent doubles and becomes the price of the property. It sounds a bit confusing at first, but is easy once you get going. From there, everything is pretty self-explanatory. Feel free to make your own Monopoly Board based off of this one, or if demand gets high, I can upload a .schematic of this one!
Progress100% complete

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03/27/2013 3:53 pm
Level 43 : Master Ranger
Joejj10's Avatar
plz make a world save!
12/11/2011 8:28 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Blacksmith
rexpup's Avatar
Could you have a world save or a .SCHEMATIC? That would be great.
12/11/2011 9:32 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
TheMarkypizz's Avatar
I would have to do a .schematic for it since it's a part of a much bigger world, but it wouldn't be easy to get it all set up to share. But if demand gets higher i'll probably do it.
12/14/2011 2:21 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Blacksmith
rexpup's Avatar
Alright. It's just that this is really, really cool.
12/11/2011 7:02 pm
Level 41 : Master Fox
sviat's Avatar
Cool, but houses and hotels are already build, 1 diamond up =D
12/11/2011 7:04 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
TheMarkypizz's Avatar
I put the houses up so I could take some nice screenshots :D
They of course aren't normally there.

And thanks man :D
12/11/2011 7:09 pm
Level 41 : Master Fox
sviat's Avatar
u can make a server to ppl play this monopoly xD!!!
12/11/2011 7:11 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
TheMarkypizz's Avatar
It'd be pretty hard to manage! This is a tough game to run with even a few people. Plus we'd have to have everyone wait their turns. But if people really want to I suppose we could try :P
12/11/2011 7:19 pm
Level 41 : Master Fox
sviat's Avatar
I played other 4 hours in a normal board game with 3 or 4 ppl, so i think in multiplayer it will be more xd, no, it's not a good idea make a server xD
12/11/2011 7:20 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
TheMarkypizz's Avatar
Yeah a game with my friend took probably 5 hours xD
