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Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
That's right. This is a really old map me and a couple of friends built.

So far it includes:
- Twighlight's Library
- Fluttershy's Cottage
- Town Hall
- Sweet Apple Acres
- Rarity's Boutique
- SugarCube Corner
- Everfree Forest
- The Schoolhouse
- Appleloosa
- Many residential homes
- Dragon Mountain
- Entrance to Canterlot

Coming Soon:
- Ghastly Gorge
- The rest of Canterlot
- More houses and background terrain
- Fully built trainstation

A full credit list and download will be added soon.

The texture pack is also WIP, as well as the towns themselves.
Progress50% complete

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11/12/2012 3:08 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Can you post a pre release or do you need help? I really want tho help and see the world so if you could upload a download or host a server for help, that would be awesome!
