Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Powerful Create mod tnt cannon

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Level 75 : Legendary Modder
I used the Create mod (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/create/files/3934676) to build a very powerful tnt cannon, when the lever is pulled 1,216 dispensers activate, and tnt is blown into a small space by multiple fans. By blocking off part of the barrel with a fence post you can make the tnt launch a mob or player up to 17,551 blocks (or possibly higher, let me know if you manage to launch higher!) However if you leave the cannon barrel unblocked and pull the lever twice you can make the cannon fire vast amounts of tnt. (it is rather messy but very fun and destructive)

The cannon may sustain damage when fired, if tnt is bounced backwards when it fires, so it may be worth building a shield to prevent that (I didn't include one in the build myself since I wanted the design to be compact)

Trying to use this without the create mod is pointless, most of the blocks will be gone, also the worldedit schematic does not have the redstone blocks glued together, you will need to do that yourself before firing.

There was no way to make the glue save, using Create mod schematics doesn't save the tnt in the dispensers so that wasn't an option, also there was other stuff in the world and a lot of mess to clean up and chunks to delete so I saved it as a schematic instead. Glue the redstone blocks together in vertical lines, you won't be able to glue all the way down so do it in two parts per line.

Yes, this will almost certainly cause lag, best to avoid using it at all on a low-end computer.

Feel free to use this schematic in projects of your own, but do include a link to this page if you post them.

You will need worldedit to load the schematic, it's not a world download

Worldedit: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldedit/files/3697298

Don't try to use MCEdit, that's for older versions and I don't think it works with mods anyway.

Firing video 1:

Cannon was partially broken but still did a lot of damage.

Firing video 2:

resource pack is currently on hold but it's one I made, no idea when I'll post it.
Progress100% complete

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Square Pirate
11/04/2022 9:20 am
Level 28 : Expert Crab Demolitionist
Very epic canon!
11/04/2022 11:52 am
She/Her • Level 75 : Legendary Modder
Thanks :D
Square Pirate
11/04/2022 11:52 am
Level 28 : Expert Crab Demolitionist
You're welcome!
11/01/2022 1:37 pm
She/Her • Level 75 : Legendary Modder
Made this like 2 months ago, finally postedddd
