Minecraft Maps / Complex

Private Dream Island

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Level 30 : Artisan Architect
Private Dream Island is the place where I'd spend my eternity if I had the sort of money to own a private island :P
(Use LB Photo Realism texture pack http://bit.ly/14MUtBz It's the source link, only shortened)


Main mansion - (4x bedrooms, 6x bathrooms, 1x Library, 1x Kitchen, 1x Bar, 1x Dining room, 1x Office, expansive hallway and foyer)

Pool (Very large and uniquely shaped)

Tennis court

ATV Garage (It's an island, so there's no need for normal vehicles, but ATVs would be very useful)

Helipad (Helicopter already parked)

Bridge (Connects to the next island, which will house several future structures)

To be completed:

Landscaping (Lots and lots of landscaping still left to do)

Dock (A traditional dock for boats and yachts)

Yachts (Large enterable yachts with all the amenities inside)

Barn (A barn for horses)

Basketball court

Basement for the mansion (To build many other luxury amenities for the mansion)

Sauna (I plan to build this in the basement)


A secret room (All dream homes must have one)

Water slide by the beach

Fire pit by the beach

Outdoor kitchen

Glass gazebo

Several bungalows by the beach

To be built in the jungle island (Up North):

A luxurious cabin

A tree house

I plan to add even more things to the list as I continue completing the island. Please let me know what you would like to see on the island with your comments. Please Favorite, Subscribe or Diamond if you like the project. Thank you.
Progress5% complete

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07/28/2013 9:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi ChronosPallas, This map looks like its gonna be awesome! I would like to help if possible :D
If you want my help just add me on skype, my name is "Marc Goulding" and BTW, I don't have minecraft premium :S
07/28/2013 9:55 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
Hi Epiclysimple. If I had a server, it would have made cooperative building very easy, but unfortunately I don't :( Maybe you can build one of the "To be completed" projects or perhaps you might want to add something totally new. I haven't used Skype for the longest time and I don't even know if my account is still active. I'll message you about Skype later.
