Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Programmable Redstone Computer

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TheJared802's Avatar TheJared802
Level 43 : Master Nerd
I have been working on this for a long time now. I currently have the system that allows you to type anything onto the screen. I still need the CPU and ALU. Within the next few weeks I should have most of the processing unit done, but the calculator will take a long time to construct. When it's done, you should be able to type simple code onto the screen and get the computer to run it. There's not much more to say.

Computer Statistics:
Style: Macbook
Screen Size: 54 x 33 m.
Character limit: 30 (10 x 3)
RAM: 360 bits (45 bytes)
Hard Drive: Not constructed yet
Processor: Not constructed yet

Be sure to check in every once in a while to see if I have improved my computer.

Yes, I am aware that the redstone goes outside of the laptop's walls, but it would never fit inside no matter how hard I tried.

I just recently began working with Dr.pandcakes. He helps decorate the outside and duplicate repetitive redstone. I still am in charge and have built 90% of the computer.

I currently do not have a video online. If you want a video, please say so in the comments. If 5 or more people say they want a video, I will film and upload one explaining how it works and how to use it.

I currently do not have a download available. If you want a download, please say so in the comments. If 15 or more people say they want a download, I will make one available.

NOTE: This project is no longer active. I am no longer working on this computer as I have been instead working on two newer models, both with friends. Neither of the newer ones have Planet Minecraft posts yet, but if enough people request that I make one I will.

CreditDr.pandcakes (Work Assistant)
Progress35% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by TheJared802 10/16/2015 12:32:57 amOct 16th, 2015

NOTE: This model has been put on hiatus.

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05/22/2016 11:43 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
Yeah alright
05/20/2016 1:15 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
can you teach me how to build it
05/22/2016 1:23 am
Level 43 : Master Nerd
TheJared802's Avatar
I wish I could but due to the fact that it would take more than a year and I bet neither of us have the free time, it just can't happen. But if you're interested in building your own, I'd recommend starting by watching this youtube video:
It would also be good to have at least a basic understanding of binary logic. I forget whether they discuss that in the video.
12/31/2015 6:05 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
MineGame159's Avatar
Please Download
11/27/2015 5:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bleetiger14's Avatar
please make it downloadable i wont say it is mine please just make it downloadable please
11/28/2015 4:24 pm
Level 43 : Master Nerd
TheJared802's Avatar
Even if I do make it downloadable, it will be useless. You would merely be able to type letters onto the screen. No calculator has yet been implemented, and no form of processing has been designed. Once it can do more that show us some words, then I will consider uploading it.
10/16/2015 4:58 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Kia_Aivier's Avatar
11/05/2015 11:38 pm
Level 43 : Master Nerd
TheJared802's Avatar
I will not be making it downloadable until it is complete, and even then I will try to wait until it is recognizable. I don't want people pretending it's their own.
10/16/2015 4:07 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Senpai
_Master's Avatar
"If you want a video, please say so in the comments."

I want a video!
11/03/2015 12:26 am
Level 43 : Master Nerd
TheJared802's Avatar
Thanks for letting me know! I will my considerations towards a video are now greater, and I will post the video here if/when I make it. But don't expect a lot of updates, I still am leaving this project on hiatus while I work on the other one.
