Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Red Tern Island

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khanaris's Avatar khanaris
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
Red Tern Island is a typical abbey town amongst the Thousand Isles. Before the arrival of the fleet and the construction of the harbor fortress it held a seedier past as a lair for smugglers and pirates. Rumors remain of hidden dungeons and buried treasures amongst the shifting bones of the island. The pirates themselves built a new refuge out amongst the broken cliffs of the Widowed Sister.

Chalice Mill is a recent neighbor, dragged into its current position by the Engine Tugs of the Fleet and guarded by a fortified bridge. Most of the people of Red Tern village work in its shops or in the salvage yard nearby. The village boasts an inn, a tavern, a restaurant, a blacksmith, several shops, and an outdoor market along the wharf. The old barbican at the harbor mouth has been converted into a prison, and extensive mine workings cut through the island behind the town, running above the Dark Market on the lowest level. Away from the town's protection are several isolated houses and farms.

Overlooking the town is Red Tern Abbey, a place of sanctuary in a literal sense as well as spiritual. Its stone walls are a refuge for the people of the town, as are the supplies stored in its cellars.

Edit:  This has had quite a bit of work since the first release.  I went through and fixed a lot of the things that were broken by updates to Minecraft.

I also spent a while updating all of the airships.  I was inspired a lot by Drash2005.  It led me to change a lot of the "rules" I was using to design the airships.  I made the actual gasbags inaccessible and connected the interiors with glass tunnels.  I replaced a lot of the single-dispenser guns with more complicated cannons (nonfunctional now).  I also added navigation lights and cleaned up the lines in a lot of places.

I added a bridge of barrier blocks to get from the island to the fortress in adventure mode (I switched the map over to Adventure mode, but cheats are on.)  There is a new train station and a few other buildings scattered around.  There is one other area that had a lot of work, but I will leave it to you to discover it.  ;)  There are multiple ways to get there,

My computer does not have the horsepower to run the video capture software with shaders activated.  If anyone wants to volunteer to make a fly-through video for me, I will definitely give you credit.  ^_^  Otherwise that will have to wait until I upgrade my computer.

Feel free to use this for any project and on any server, in its original form or modified in any way that you like.  You don't need to email me or message me to ask permission first.  Please credit where you got it from somewhere (me as the author and PMC as the forum and host).
CreditTexture Pack is Chromahills rendered with SEUS. Borrowed some ideas from Drash2005
Progress90% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by khanaris 12/14/2014 12:06:56 pmDec 14th, 2014

Updates to broken blocks.  Fixed issue with incorrect damage values on many blocks.  Added new buildings here and there.  Updated all Fleet airships (still need to update the pirates).

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L_Y_N sib
09/23/2017 9:45 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
L_Y_N sib's Avatar
hello, it's an awesome map but i'm lost on it, it's like a maze XD so i willlike someone give me the coordinates of the library with the map, thanks
09/08/2017 10:50 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Network
HomelessArtist's Avatar
wanna see how our server is using your world? join us here at, versions 1.11.2-1.12.1 are accepted, got through the quartz portal when you join to see the map.
General Kenobi
08/28/2016 7:11 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
General Kenobi's Avatar
If rope Town is hidden, why does the Fleet only have to look into the nether to see the Ropetown portal? Otherwise, great build 10/10!
12/09/2016 6:03 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
khanaris's Avatar
Hehe. I forget how I left it in the download, but there is a lever that moves blocks across the side of the portal that doesn't have the void outside. Also not sure if the game changed it, but at the time I built it you could not reenter a portal without leaving the blocks of the portal itself first. Meaning that you would get stuck in the portal or drop into the void. So anyone using that portal in the Nether with the door shut on the other side wouldn't be coming back to report on where it led...

The occupants of that part of Rope Town are a little on the sinister side.

In practical terms, I used the Nether just as a short cut to get around the level, and didn't really spend a lot of time developing the story there. Might change that at some point. I didn't do anything with the End at all.
General Kenobi
01/04/2017 1:14 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
General Kenobi's Avatar
Hhm. The problem is, you only need to break the blocks to invade ropetown.
03/30/2016 6:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
smates's Avatar
04/06/2016 12:08 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
khanaris's Avatar
Looks nice! More of a classic train station.
03/27/2016 1:13 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Network
HomelessArtist's Avatar
could you please post a link to the old map, me and my friends are still using the 1.7.xx series because of mods, and we miss the old ships. we would stage fights in the salvage yards using mods, (flans and mcheli for the bigger ships) spending hours trying to kill each other with a chopper and playing cat and mouse. we miss it, wish you would put the old one up as a link in the description so we can play.
04/06/2016 12:12 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
khanaris's Avatar
See if this one works for you. I am not sure whether it is 1.7 or early 1.8, but it is the oldest version I have ready access to. I think there are some blocks from 1.8 in the Rope Town area, but you could just delete a lot of that. It has the old ships (white gas bags, etc.)

