Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Redstone Calculator

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CocoaMix86's Avatar CocoaMix86
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
Here is my redstone calculator I have created. Unlike most redstone creations like such, mine doesn't use any sort of cpu or alu in it. All it uses for calculating are a bunch of Shift Registers (which in fact, make it kinda slow)

This one is only capable of adding. It can add together 2 number between 0 and 999

It works perfectly fine, and is really stable, but again, is slow to calculate the total.

-2, 3 digit number storage
-9 unary to 7 segment display decoders
-metric butt ton of busses
-Reset function
-slow calculation
-large display board
Progress100% complete

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10/26/2014 5:18 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Jmal116's Avatar
Yay, a calculator that doesn't do all the math with command blocks! It's getting rarer and rarer to see these now, and it's always nice when I do :)

Just a quick question, from the images alone, it's kinda hard to tell how you're actaully doing the addition. Are you converting the numbers to binary, or BCD, or something else entirely?
10/26/2014 9:43 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
CocoaMix86's Avatar
I'm using a system of Shift Registers. when the Calculate button is pressed, it writes the unary bits from the first number into the registers, and then the system pulses the registers how ever many times the number is worth in the 1s, 10s, and 100s slot for number 2.

Hope that made sense
10/27/2014 4:35 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Jmal116's Avatar
ah, pretty cool. Sounds almost like a multiplier, but with a single bit instead of a bunch of them together :P
